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Personal Explanation of CAPA (

Welcome to my personal documentation of CAPA, an open-source tool developed by the FLARE team to identify capabilities in executable files. This document serves as my personal reference and understanding of how CAPA works and its various functionalities.

CAPA is an incredibly powerful and flexible tool, and through this documentation, I aim to explore its features, usage, and intricacies in a detailed manner. As I work with CAPA, I will take notes, record my findings, and provide examples to better comprehend its capabilities.

Please note that this documentation is not an official guide or part of the official CAPA project. It is solely for my personal use, to enhance my understanding of the tool and share my insights with the community.

If you are interested in the official CAPA project, please visit their GitHub repository: The official documentation and resources there will provide you with a comprehensive overview and official support for CAPA.

Feel free to explore this documentation and join me on this learning journey with CAPA!

How CAPA Works

CAPA is an open-source tool developed by the FLARE team to identify capabilities in executable files. Here's the github repo link for capa


Positional Arguments:

  • sample: Path to the sample file you want to analyze.

Optional Arguments:

  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit.
  • --version: Show the program's version number and exit.
  • -v, --verbose: Enable verbose result document (no effect with --json).
  • -vv, --vverbose: Enable very verbose result document (no effect with --json).
  • -d, --debug: Enable debugging output on STDERR.
  • -q, --quiet: Disable all output but errors.
  • --color {auto,always,never}: Enable ANSI color codes in results. Default: enabled only during an interactive session.
  • -f {auto,pe,dotnet,elf,sc32,sc64,freeze}, --format {auto,pe,dotnet,elf,sc32,sc64,freeze}: Select the sample format. Default: auto, which detects the file type automatically. Other options include pe (Windows PE file), dotnet (.NET PE file), elf (Executable and Linkable Format), sc32 (32-bit shellcode), sc64 (64-bit shellcode), and freeze (features previously frozen by capa).
  • -b {vivisect,binja,pefile}, --backend {vivisect,binja,pefile}: Select the backend to use for feature extraction. Options include vivisect (default), binja, and pefile.
  • --os {auto,linux,macos,windows}: Select the sample's operating system. Default: auto, which detects the OS automatically. Other options include linux, macos, and windows.
  • -r RULES, --rules RULES: Path to a rule file or directory. If not specified, CAPA uses the default embedded rules.
  • -s SIGNATURES, --signatures SIGNATURES: Path to a .sig/.pat file or directory used to identify library functions. If not specified, CAPA uses the default embedded signatures.
  • -t TAG, --tag TAG: Filter on rule meta field values.
  • -j, --json: Emit JSON instead of text.

Specifying the File Format

If the format is not specified, CAPA automatically determines the file format by reading the starting bytes of the sample file.

Loading Rules

CAPA creates a RuleSet: List[Rule] from the default rule paths if none are specified. To learn more about rules, visit the CAPA Rules Format Documentation. Example rule :

    name: hash data with CRC32
    namespace: data-manipulation/checksum/crc32
    scope: function
      - Data::Checksum::CRC32 [C0032.001]
      - 2D3EDC218A90F03089CC01715A9F047F:0x403CBD
      - 7D28CB106CB54876B2A5C111724A07CD:0x402350  # RtlComputeCrc32
      - 7EFF498DE13CC734262F87E6B3EF38AB:0x100084A6
    - or:
      - and:
        - mnemonic: shr
        - or:
          - number: 0xEDB88320
          - bytes: 00 00 00 00 96 30 07 77 2C 61 0E EE BA 51 09 99 19 C4 6D 07 8F F4 6A 70 35 A5 63 E9 A3 95 64 9E = crc32_tab
        - number: 8
        - characteristic: nzxor
      - and:
        - number: 0x8320
        - number: 0xEDB8
        - characteristic: nzxor
      - api: RtlComputeCrc32

Extracting File Metadata and Capabilities

To extract file metadata and capabilities, follow these steps:

  1. Create an appropriate feature extractor, such as Vivisect, Binary Ninja, or other compatible workspaces, and use it for extracting capabilities.
  2. For PE format files, CAPA retrieves signatures from signature files (FLIRT Signatures). These signatures enable library code matching through symbol matching. For example, a FLIRT signature for strcmp might look like this: 55 8B EC 83 EC 0C 8B 45 08 8B 4D 0C 8B 55 10 83 F9 00 75 17 0F B6 01 3A 45 0C 74 0A 3A 01 75 05 83 C0 01 5D C3.
  3. CAPA creates a feature extractor based on the file format. The default debugger framework used for extraction is Vivisect, but CAPA is also compatible with IDAPro for feature extraction. The viv-utils module provides functionalities to retrieve function handles from sample binary files.
  4. Basic file information, such as file hashes, operating system, format, architecture, and the path of rules used for analysis, is loaded into a Meta Data Type.
  5. CAPA finds capabilities by taking a ruleset and a feature extractor as input and returns a tuple of (matches, meta). It first identifies all capabilities within functions, basic blocks, and instructions. Then, it collects all rule matches across all scopes and identifies all capabilities in the files. Finally, it returns the matches and metadata.


Analysis done in above steps is then rendered to user. example :

$ capa.exe suspicious.exe

| ATT&CK Tactic          | ATT&CK Technique                                                               |
| DEFENSE EVASION        | Obfuscated Files or Information [T1027]                                        |
| DISCOVERY              | Query Registry [T1012]                                                         |
|                        | System Information Discovery [T1082]                                           |
| EXECUTION              | Command and Scripting Interpreter::Windows Command Shell [T1059.003]           |
|                        | Shared Modules [T1129]                                                         |
| EXFILTRATION           | Exfiltration Over C2 Channel [T1041]                                           |
| PERSISTENCE            | Create or Modify System Process::Windows Service [T1543.003]                   |

| CAPABILITY                                            | NAMESPACE                                       |
| check for OutputDebugString error                     | anti-analysis/anti-debugging/debugger-detection |
| read and send data from client to server              | c2/file-transfer                                |
| execute shell command and capture output              | c2/shell                                        |
| receive data (2 matches)                              | communication                                   |
| send data (6 matches)                                 | communication                                   |
| connect to HTTP server (3 matches)                    | communication/http/client                       |
| send HTTP request (3 matches)                         | communication/http/client                       |
| create pipe                                           | communication/named-pipe/create                 |
| get socket status (2 matches)                         | communication/socket                            |
| receive data on socket (2 matches)                    | communication/socket/receive                    |
| send data on socket (3 matches)                       | communication/socket/send                       |
| connect TCP socket                                    | communication/socket/tcp                        |
| encode data using Base64                              | data-manipulation/encoding/base64               |
| encode data using XOR (6 matches)                     | data-manipulation/encoding/xor                  |
| run as a service                                      | executable/pe                                   |
| get common file path (3 matches)                      | host-interaction/file-system                    |
| read file                                             | host-interaction/file-system/read               |
| write file (2 matches)                                | host-interaction/file-system/write              |
| print debug messages (2 matches)                      | host-interaction/log/debug/write-event          |
| resolve DNS                                           | host-interaction/network/dns/resolve            |
| get hostname                                          | host-interaction/os/hostname                    |
| create a process with modified I/O handles and window | host-interaction/process/create                 |
| create process                                        | host-interaction/process/create                 |
| create registry key                                   | host-interaction/registry/create                |
| create service                                        | host-interaction/service/create                 |
| create thread                                         | host-interaction/thread/create                  |
| persist via Windows service                           | persistence/service                             |

Further Information

for further information visit CAPA's official repo


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