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Soft Intellect Linux Course

Recommendations for the course:

  • Think about the material, try to explain to yourself or to your classmates.
  • Make all the homeworks, they are really important, do not skip any.
  • Ask me as many questions as you want, it's not about how you look, it's about your knowledge after the course ends.
  • Experiment in your virtual machine, do not be afrad, that's why it's virtual.


1. Introduction to the course and the Linux OS.

History of Linux, Virtual Machine Set Up(Oracle VM + CentOS7), Bash Shell, Basic Shell Commands, Environment Variables, Homework.

2. Working with VIM/Searching for information.

Vimtutor, Man pages, I/O redirection, Find, Grep, Homework.

3. File System.

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, Absoluve vs Relative Paths, Working with files (cp, mv and rm), Hard vs Soft Links, Archiving and compression, Homework.

4. Users and Groups.

Different kinds of users. Groups. /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow. visudo. Regular expressions. Basic LDAP. Homework.

5. Permissions and ACL.

Directory permission, File permissions, umask, Access Control Lists, Homework.

6. Networking.

IP, Netmask, Networking Protocols, IP/TCP Suite, nmcli, nmtui, /etc/resolv.conf, DNS, DNS zones, Resource Records. Homework.

7. Processes.

Foreground processes, Background processes, Process priority, Process id, top, ps, kill, pkill, Homework.

8. Partitions and LVM. FS mount.

Partitions, GPT vs MBR, fdisk, LVM, FS mount, /etc/fstab, UUID, block device, ext4 vs xfs, Homework.

9. Software management and CRON.

Repository, yum vs rpm, cron vs at, Creating Local Repository, Homework.

10. SystemD and the Boot Procedure.

Units, Targets, Systemctl, Grub2, Resetting the root password, Homework.

11. Logging.

Syslog/Rsyslog, Journalctl, logger, Log rotation, Homework.


Private vs public keys, SSH, PermitRootLogin. NFS, /etc/exports, nfs_nobody, uid, guid, group collaboration. SAMBA, /etc/samba/smb.conf, Global directives, Shares directives, Homework.

13. Firewall.

Firewalld, Zones, Default zone, Homework.

14. Practical assignment, work in team.

15. Bash Scripting.

Variables, Loops, Functions, AWK, Sed, Homework.

16. Configuration Management (Ansible).

Centralized management, Ansible commands, Playbooks, Homework.

17. Review of the conspect. Questions.

18. Exam.