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This repository implements a simple plugin template if you want to make plugins for agora rtc sdk. Then you can refer to this repository to make your own unique plugin.

Quick Start

1. Environment Configuration

  • CMake (3.10+)
  • Visual Studio 2019 (Windows)
  • Xcode (iOS/macOS)
  • Android Studio (Android)
    • Gradle (6.5)
    • NDK (You should set ANDROID_NDK into environment variables, Such as: export ANDROID_NDK="$HOME/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/21.1.6352462")

2. Compile Product

Windows Platform

Execute in the repository root directory:


Copy the generated product to the imported agora rtc sdk (note that there are two folders, x64, Win32)

SDK type Generate product Copy to SDK directory
Unity SDK build/windows/Win32/output/Release/AgoraRawDataPlugin.dll, build/windows/x64/output/Release/AgoraRawDataPlugin.dll Assets/Agora-RTC-Plugin/Agora-Unity-RTC-SDK/Plugins/x86, Assets/Agora-RTC-Plugin/Agora-Unity-RTC-SDK/Plugins/x86_64
Electron SDK build/windows/Win32/output/Release/AgoraRawDataPlugin.dll, build/windows/x64/output/Release/AgoraRawDataPlugin.dll Any path where the ffi-napi could load it

Mac Platform

Execute in the repository root directory:

sh scripts/

Copy the generated product to the already imported agora rtc sdk

SDK type Generate product Copy to SDK directory
Unity SDK build/mac/MAC/output/Release/AgoraRawDataPluginUnity.bundle Assets/Agora-RTC-Plugin/Agora-Unity-RTC-SDK/Plugins/macOS
Electron SDK build/mac/MAC/output/Release/AgoraRawDataPlugin.dylib Any path where the ffi-napi could load it

iOS Platform

Execute in the repository root directory:

sh scripts/

Copy the generated product to the already imported agora rtc sdk

SDK type Generate product Copy to SDK directory
Unity SDK build/ios/ALL_ARCHITECTURE/output/Release/AgoraRawDataPlugin.framework Assets/Agora-RTC-Plugin/Agora-Unity-RTC-SDK/Plugins/iOS

Android Platform

Execute in the repository root directory:

In mac platform:

sh scripts/

Copy the generated product to the imported agora rtc sdk (note that there are four folders here, namely x86, x86_64, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a)

SDK type Generate product Copy to SDK directory
Unity SDK build/android/ALL_ARCHITECTURE/output/Release/[x86_64 x86 armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a]/ Assets/Agora-RTC-Plugin/Agora-Unity-RTC-SDK/Plugins/Android/AgoraRtcEngineKit.plugin/libs/[x86_64 x86 armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a]

3. Experience Demo

You can run the built-in plug-in demo of the SDK. Experience the effect after the plug-in is turned on.

SDK type Example Link
Unity SDK
Electron SDK