- My implementation of the no internet game. Done with canvas & vanilla js.
- You can acces the real one typing chrome://dino in chrome as an URL
- Since keypress in JavaScript is deprecated, we are using ArrowDown for crouching and ArrowUp to run normal again, so we are changing the behaviour of the real game a little bit cos of this.
- Right now, Pteras (flying dinos) appear when the score is 1000 and gets faster at 2500 (and appears more often).
- The speed of the game (obstacles and map) gets faster at 600, 2500 & 4000.
- When the score % 1000 === 0 it's midnight time, when score % 2000 === 0 && score % 1000 !== 0 it's day time. So we change from daylight to midnight every 1000 points.
- SPACE -> Jump
- ArrowDown -> Crouch
- ArrowUp -> Stand
Any suggesitons, hit me here on github |or| aitorsantaeugenia@gmail.com
Change hit dino image when colission (we need to work @ when framerequestanimation stops with this)Better balance with speed, colisions and flying dinos (Pteras)Solve a bug when window.onload dino is not running until we use arrowUp or arrowDown