This is a weather forecast application built with React and JavaScript. It allows users to view the current weather and forecast for multiple locations.
- View current weather for multiple locations
- View detailed forecast for the next few days and hours
- Add and remove locations
- Automatically detect your current location
To install the project, follow these steps:
npm install
To run the project:
npm start
- AddLocation.jsx: This screen is used to add a new location.
- Locations.jsx: This screen displays a list of all added locations.
- SpecificLocation.jsx: This screen shows the current weather and forecast for a specific location.
- FollowingDays/DayForecastCard.jsx: This component displays the forecast for a specific day.
- FollowingDays/DayModal.jsx: This component is a modal that shows detailed forecast for a specific day.
- FollowingDays/FollowingDaysCardsContainer.jsx: This component is a container for DayForecastCard components.
- FollowingHoursCardsContainer.jsx: This component is a container for FollowingHoursSingleCard components.
- FollowingHoursSingleCard.jsx: This component displays the forecast for a specific hour.
- NavigationBar.jsx: This component is the navigation bar for the application.
- WeatherLocationsCard.jsx: This component displays the current weather for a specific location.
- WeatherContext.js: This context provides weather data to the components.
- fetchLocationDetails.js: This hook fetches the weather data for a specific location.
- utils.js: This file contains utility functions that are used throughout the application.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.