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Alien Worlds API

API to index and read Alien Worlds data

Visual Source

First Time Installation & Configuration

Please read & follow the steps before first installation

Installation Steps

  1. Install Docker if you haven't done so brew install docker or download it from the official docker website.
  2. Fork the repository on Github, and clone it locally
    git clone <your-git-account>/alienworlds-api.git
    cd alienworlds-api
  3. Edit local configuration (consult with an engineer from the team if needed)
    • Edit config.js
    • Copy .env.example to .env & configure as needed.
  4. Build all docker images, download all dependencies + initialize database
    docker compose build
    docker compose run api yarn
    docker compose run api yarn build
    docker compose run api yarn abis
    docker compose run api yarn mongo-indexes
    docker compose run api yarn husky
    Hint: each command is individually documented below the "Commands List" section.
  5. Start all services -> the API will be accessible at localhost:8080
    docker compose up

Commands List


Editing files in src folder will automatically recompile & reload changes is running services.

docker compose up

Manual Procedures

Rebuild All Docker Containers Locally

This command will build all docker containers (each service runs in a separated container) locally. Hint: Advanced use: Use docker CLI to log in to to access remote cached versions of the containers for faster startup. This is optional for local development - used by the CI.

docker compose build

Download all Node Dependencies

This must be run every time when package.json changes. It will download all node dependencies into the node_modules folder.

docker compose run api yarn

Build All Alien World Services

Specific build command to initialize Alien World related configurations.

docker compose run api yarn build

Fetch ABIs

This must be redone when the ABI changes.

docker compose run api yarn abis

Setup Mongo Indexes

Only need to be run once, to set up the indexes in MongoDB.

docker compose run api yarn mongo-indexes


Install Git Pre-commit Hooks

Husky is a utility to automatically set up Git Hooks for local development.

docker compose run api yarn husky

Style check

We're using ESLint & Prettier for sanity & style check. The following command win run both at once. Once Husky is initialized, these checks will run automatically before every commit & push.

docker compose run api yarn lint

Style auto fix

The following command will attempt to fix all lint & style issues automatically.

docker compose run api yarn lint-fix


The following command will let you log in inside the API container. The container contains an alpine linux with the exact required node & npm installations. Logging into the container can help debugging and you can also use all the tools required to run the app right inside the container, without even installing it on your own host machine. Please always use yarn instead of npm to maintain yarn.lock file integrity.

docker compose run api sh

Uploading Compiled docker images to Docker registry

This command will upload all docker containers to the given registry. The registry is defined in the .env file, by default it's Github's Container registry: This command is normally part of the CI process. To make it work you must log in to the docker registry first. More information about how to login to Github's Docker registry with docker using the CLI and a Personal Access Token, please read the official documentation.

docker compose push

Pulling the latest compiled images from Docker repository

This command is part of the CI chain and normally don't need to run locally. Requires a successful docker login to the registry first (please read the official documentation), then you can pull the images (instead of building locally).

docker compose pull

API Access