A web server CMS to propulse a cooking website or blog.
Written in Python3, using Django
We recommend using of Python >= 3.5
Install requirements:
- pip3 install django==1.11.*
- pip3 install django-copyright
- pip3 install djangorestframework
- pip3 install django-simple-captcha
- pip3 install django-gravatar2
- pip3 install django-bootstrap-pagination
- pip3 install django-emoticons
- pip3 install mysqlclient
- pip3 install urllib3
Requirements for Apache:
- libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
Optionnal requirements:
- jpegoptim (automatically optimize JPEG files)
- tinify python module (to optimize pictures)
Still in development state, contact us for more informations: https://www.flo-art.fr/contact
Distributed into GNU GPL v3 licence.