A detailed description of the changes made to your original HTML code and the functionalities added:
1. Semantic HTML Structure
Header, Main, and Footer Elements: Introduced semantic elements like <header>, <main>, and <footer>. This improves the document's structure, making it more understandable for both browsers and assistive technologies.
2. Responsive Navbar
Navbar Implementation: Implemented a Bootstrap navbar with a collapsible feature for smaller screens. This enhances navigation across different devices, ensuring a user-friendly experience.
Active Link Highlighting: Added an "active" class to the home link, which helps indicate the current page.
3. Modal Functionality
Modal for Information: Added a modal that displays additional information about the website when the "Learn More" button is clicked. This is achieved using Bootstrap's modal component.
JavaScript Functionality: Created a showModal function that triggers the modal display when the button is clicked, demonstrating basic interactivity.
4. Improved Accessibility
ARIA Attributes: Incorporated ARIA attributes (like aria-controls, aria-expanded, and aria-hidden) to enhance accessibility, making it easier for screen readers to interpret the navigation elements.
5. Consistent CSS Linking
Consolidated CSS Links: Removed duplicate and unnecessary links to CSS stylesheets, ensuring cleaner and more efficient loading of styles.
6. Footer Section
Basic Footer: Added a footer section with copyright information to provide closure to the page content, enhancing the overall layout.
Summary of Functionality Added:
Interactive Navbar: A responsive navbar that collapses on smaller screens.
Information Modal: A modal dialog that provides more information about the site, activated by a button.
JavaScript Integration: Included a basic JavaScript function to control modal behavior, showcasing the ability to add interactive elements to the site.