❤️ to auto badger for making badging simple
The following is a react component that serves as the UI for the map plugin from the nwms-plugins for the tethysDash application.
The following npm package exports a remote entry point using the ModuleFederationPlugin feature on webpack. This can be use as an example for an npm package that accompanies a python plugin for the tethysdash app
The following is the structure of this project:
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── public
│ ├── index.html
│ └── robots.txt
├── README.md
├── src
│ ├── App.js
│ ├── App.test.js
│ ├── index.css
│ └── index.js
├── structure.txt
└── webpack.config.js
3 directories, 11 files
The following is added to the webpack.config.js
new ModuleFederationPlugin({
name: 'mfe_ol',
filename: 'remoteEntry.js',
exposes: {
'./MapComponent': './src/App', // Adjusted path to exposed module
shared: {
'react': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: '^18.3.1',
eager: true,
'react-dom': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: '^18.3.1',
eager: true,
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: './public/index.html'
Similarly, please note that the filename
can be any name. It refers to the name of the entrypoint file.
Please note that the exposes
section will be the component that you will like to expose through the entrypoint. The expose
section exposes the MapComponent
that is imported in the App.js
Finally, you need to edit the package.json
to expose the entrypoint as well
"exports": {
".": "./dist/bundle.js",
"./remoteEntry": "./dist/remoteEntry.js"
the "."
is the main bundle, while the "./remoteEntry"
refers to the entrypoint that will be used by the Tethysdash app.
When the package is ready to use, you need to build it and publish it.
$ npm run build
$ npm publish
Once published you can access the remoteEntry.js
file on your TethysDash intake driver plugin in the following way:
def __init__(self, base_map_layer, zoom, services, huc_id, metadata=None):
# self.mfe_unpkg_url = "http://localhost:3000/remoteEntry.js" # if you are developing
self.mfe_unpkg_url = "https://unpkg.com/mfe-ol@latest/dist/remoteEntry.js"
self.mfe_scope = "mfe_ol"
self.mfe_module = "./Map"
self.zoom = zoom
self.huc_id = huc_id
parts = services.split("/")
self.service = parts[-3]
self.layer_id = int(parts[-1])
self.BASE_URL = "/".join(parts[:-3])
self.base_map_layer = self.get_esri_base_layer_dict(base_map_layer)
self.service_layer = self.get_service_layer_dict()
self.center = self.get_center()
self.view = self.get_view_config(center=self.center, zoom=self.zoom)
self.map_config = self.get_map_config()
self.legend = self.make_legend()
self.HUC_LAYER = self.get_wbd_layer()
super(MapVisualization, self).__init__(metadata=metadata)
def read(self):
logger.info("Reading map data configuration")
layers = [self.base_map_layer, self.HUC_LAYER, self.service_layer]
return {
"url": self.mfe_unpkg_url,
"scope": self.mfe_scope,
"module": self.mfe_module,
"props": {
"layers": layers,
"viewConfig": self.view,
"mapConfig": self.map_config,
"legend": self.legend,
Webpack not loading the shared module on the ModuleFederation plugin
_Uncaught Error: Shared module is not available for eager consumption: webpack/sharing/consume/default/react/react_