This library provides utility classes for writing integration tests in
dotnet using XUnit
and WebApplicationFactory
dotnet new classlib -n MyTestProject
dotnet add package ArwynFr.IntegrationTesting
dotnet add package Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk
dotnet add package xunit.runner.visualstudio
Read advanced usage documentation for further details.
By default, the lib redirects the tested application logs to XUnit output, so you get them in the test output in case of failure. It also overwrites the application configuration with values from user secrets and environement variables.
public class MyTest(ITestOutputHelper output) : IntegrationTestBase<Program>(output)
// Override a service with fake implementation in the tested app
protected override void ConfigureAppServices(IServiceCollection services)
=> services.AddSingleton<IMyService, FakeService>();
public async Task OnTest()
// Call system under test
var response = await Client.GetFromJsonAsync<OrderDto>($"/order");
If your application uses EFcore, add the DbContext as a generic parameter and provide a configuration method. You can override the DbContext lifetime strategy according to your needs:
public class TestBaseDb(ITestOutputHelper output) : IntegrationTestBase<Program, MyDbContext>(output)
// Create and drop a database for every test execution
protected override IDatabaseTestStrategy<Context> DatabaseTestStrategy
=> IDatabaseTestStrategy<MyDbContext>.DatabasePerTest;
// Configure EFcore with a random database name par test
protected override void ConfigureDbContext(DbContextOptionsBuilder builder)
=> builder.UseSqlite($"Data Source={Guid.NewGuid()}.sqlite");
public async Task OnTest()
// Access the injected dbcontext
var value = await Database.Values
.Where(val => val.Id == 1)
.Select(val => val.Result)
// Call system under test
var result = await Client.GetFromJsonAsync<int>("/api/value/1");
result.Should().Be(value + 1);
You can access OTEL activities produced by your application in your tests. This requires you to list which activities to monitor:
public class OpenTelemetryTests(ITestOutputHelper output) : IntegrationTestBase<Program>(output)
// Tell the library which OTEL sources you want to monitor
// Traces from other sources will be ignored
protected override string[] OpenTelemetrySourceNames => ["SourceA", "SourceB"];
public async Task Otel()
// Call system under test
await Client.GetAsync("/otel");
// Assert on the collection of all activities collected
Activities.Any(activity => activity.DisplayName == "Hello").Should().BeTrue();
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