All clients are listed in the clients.json
Each key in the JSON object represents a single client library.
For example:
"Rediska": {
# A programming language should be specified.
"language": "PHP",
# If the project has a website of its own, put it here.
# Otherwise, lose the "url" key.
"url": "",
# A URL pointing to the repository where users can
# find the code.
"repository": "",
# A short, free-text description of the client.
# Should be objective. The goal is to help users
# choose the correct client they need.
"description": "A PHP client",
# An array of Twitter usernames for the authors
# and maintainers of the library.
"authors": ["shumkov"]
Redis commands are described in the commands.json
file that is auto generated
from the Redis repo based on the JSON files in the commands folder.
For each command there's a Markdown file with a complete, human-readable description. We process this Markdown to provide a better experience, so some things to take into account:
Inside text, all commands should be written in all caps, in between backticks. For example:
. -
You can use some magic keywords to name common elements in Redis. For example:
. These keywords will get expanded and auto-linked to relevant parts of the documentation.
There should be at least two predefined sections: description and return value. The return value section is marked using the @return keyword:
Returns all keys matching the given pattern.
@multi-bulk-reply: all the keys that matched the pattern.
Please use the following formatting rules (aiming for smaller diffs that are easier to review):
- No need for manual lines wrapping at any specific length, doing so usually means that adding a word creates a cascade effect and changes other lines.
- Please avoid writing lines that are too long, this makes the diff harder to review when only one word is changed.
- Start every sentence on a new line.
You should check your changes using Make:
$ make
This will make sure that JSON and Markdown files compile and that all text files have no typos.
You need to install a few Ruby gems and Aspell to run these checks.
The gems are listed in the .gems
file. Install them with the
following command:
$ gem install $(sed -e 's/ -v /:/' .gems)
The spell checking exceptions should be added to ./wordlist