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This README file contains information on the contents of the meta-on-semiconductor layer.

Please see the corresponding sections below for details.


This layer depends on:

URI: git:// branch: master

URI: git:// layers: meta branch: master

URI: layers: meta-avnet branch: master

Table of Contents

I. Introduction II. Adding the meta-on-semiconductor layer to your build III. Recipes IV. Useful links V. Disclosure

I. Introduction

The meta-on-semiconductor aims to add support for the ON semiconductor camera mezzanine. This meta can be added on top of meta-avnet which adds support for the Ultra96V2.

To use it:

  • clone meta-onsemiconductor and meta-avnet repositories in the project-spec/ folder inside your Petalinux project
  • in Petalinux config, 'Yocto Settings'/'User Layers', add two layeres '${PROOT}/project-spec/meta-avnet' and '${PROOT}/project-spec/meta-on-semiconductor'. Meta-avnet must have a lower priority than meta-on-semiconductor
  • in Petalinux config, change the YOCTO_MACHINE_NAME to use an Avnet Machine ('ultra96v2' for example)
  • then you can use 'petalinux-build -c on-semiconductor-image' to build your BSP

You can also clone AVNET's Petalinux git and run the script './scripts/' to build the complete Ultra96V2_oob BSP with ON semiconduction camera mezzanine support.

II. Adding the meta-on-semiconductor layer to your build

In order to use this layer, you need to make the build system aware of it.

Assuming the meta-on-semiconductor layer exists at the top-level of your yocto build tree, you can add it to the build system by adding the location of the meta-on-semiconductor layer to bblayers.conf, along with any other layers needed. e.g.:


III. Recipes

meta-on-semiconductor contains one conf folder and multiple recipes: . ├── conf │   └── layer.conf ├── COPYING.MIT ├── README ├── ├── recipes-app │   └── run-1920-1080 ├── recipes-bsp │   ├── ap1302-firmware │   └── device-tree ├── recipes-core │   └── images └── recipes-modules └── ap1302


Adds the meta-on-semiconductor on top of the meta-avnet.


Installs the script '' in the rootfs. This script is used to display the images captured by the cameras on a screen with a resoltion of 1920x1080 at a framerate of 60 fps.


Installs the cameras firmware in the rootfs.


Appends the device tree to support the camera mezzanine.


Defines the possible build images based on avnet-minimal-image provided by the meta-avnet.


Fetches, builds and install the AP1302 kernel module in the rootfs.

IV. Useful links

V. Disclosure

This meta isn't finished yet and it still fetches development branches.


This holds they meta layer for image sensing devices







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