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CCI Bank Corp

CCI Bank Corp is a sample HTTP-based web app that simulates a bank's payment processing network, allowing users to create artificial bank accounts and complete transactions.

We (CCI Field Eng. Team) forked it from Google's Bank of Anthos project , chosen for it's multi-language monorepo structure with various microservices.


Sign in Home
Login User Transactions

Service architecture

Architecture Diagram

Service Language Description
frontend Python Exposes an HTTP server to serve the website. Contains login page, signup page, and home page.
ledger-writer Java Accepts and validates incoming transactions before writing them to the ledger.
balance-reader Java Provides efficient readable cache of user balances, as read from ledger-db.
transaction-history Java Provides efficient readable cache of past transactions, as read from ledger-db.
ledger-db PostgreSQL Ledger of all transactions. Option to pre-populate with transactions for demo users.
user-service Python Manages user accounts and authentication. Signs JWTs used for authentication by other services.
contacts Python Stores list of other accounts associated with a user. Used for drop down in "Send Payment" and "Deposit" forms.
accounts-db PostgreSQL Database for user accounts and associated data. Option to pre-populate with demo users.
loadgenerator Python/Locust Continuously sends requests imitating users to the frontend. Periodically creates new accounts and simulates transactions between them.

Quickstart (SE on CERA)


The credentials are comprised of a CA certificate and a secret token, pulled from CERA vault (Hashicorp). (See reference-architecture). Those are provided to Dev team as a CCI Context for each environment via OIDC claims in vault.

The application must define what role & VAULT_ADDRESS to connect to, which with set the appropriate environment's secrets.

Available Roles (in any CERA Region)

  • cba-prod
  • cba-dev

The appropriate deployment jobs access a K8_TOKEN and K8_CERT that is used to define connection along with the URL, CLUSTER_NAME, and NAMESPACE

  1. Deploy CCI Bank Corp to the cluster.

Yes SE team, we use Skaffold here, see config.yml and developmentmd for more

skaffold run --tag=build-local
  1. Wait for the Pods to be ready.
kubectl get pods

After a few minutes, you should see the Pods in a Running state:

NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
accounts-db-6f589464bc-6r7b7          1/1     Running   0          99s
balancereader-797bf6d7c5-8xvp6        1/1     Running   0          99s
contacts-769c4fb556-25pg2             1/1     Running   0          98s
frontend-7c96b54f6b-zkdbz             1/1     Running   0          98s
ledger-db-5b78474d4f-p6xcb            1/1     Running   0          98s
ledgerwriter-84bf44b95d-65mqf         1/1     Running   0          97s
loadgenerator-559667b6ff-4zsvb        1/1     Running   0          97s
transactionhistory-5569754896-z94cn   1/1     Running   0          97s
userservice-78dc876bff-pdhtl          1/1     Running   0          96s
  1. Access the web frontend in a browser using the frontend's external IP.
kubectl get service frontend | awk '{print $4}'

Visit https://EXTERNAL_IP to access your instance of CCI Bank Corp.

Additional deployment options

  • Workload Identity: See these instructions.
  • Istio: Apply istio-manifests/ to your cluster to access the frontend through the IngressGateway.
  • Java Monolith (VM): We provide a version of this app where the three Java microservices are coupled together into one monolithic service, which you can deploy inside a VM (eg. Google Compute Engine). See the ledgermonolith directory.


See the troubleshooting guide for resolving common problems.


See the development guide to learn how to run and develop this app locally.

Deploy & Release Integration

Argo Rollouts is enabled, for these clusters.

Frontend Deployment was replaced with a Rollout including steps.

Status: you can use kubectl argo rollouts get rollout frontend-rollout -n cba-dev -w to see status.

All components tag app name and version. (Version Label is applied by skaffold -l flag directly.)

kustomize.yaml is used to apply build specific data (id, pipeline, etc) as annotations to Frontend only currently.