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Color System

Kristiyan Petrov edited this page Apr 26, 2022 · 13 revisions

The themes can be customized by changing the theme attributes according to the material guidelines. The attributes which can be customized are listed below, alongside a brief description

Attributes Description
colorPrimary The primary brand color of your app
colorPrimaryVariant A lighter/darker variant of your primary brand color
colorOnPrimary The color used for elements displayed on top of your primary colors
colorSecondary The secondary brand color of your app, used mostly as an accent
colorOnSecondary The color used for elements displayed on top of your secondary colors
colorSurface The color used for surfaces
colorOnSurface The color used for elements displayed on top of your surface color
colorError The color used for errors
android:colorBackground The color behind all other screen content
android:windowBackground The color behind all other screen content (needed for api < 21)
colorOnBackground The color used for elements displayed on top of your background color

Default colors used can be found here colors.xml

How to customize a theme according to the color system is shown at Customize-Colors-&-Themes


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