PHP Easy DB (Database) is an easy library to manage and control the database.
- Tiny
- Easy and fast query builder
- Support most of the sql function
$db=new database();
$db->connect("localhost", "username", "*****");
$db->create_database($db->db, false);
function connect($host="localhost", $user="root", $pass="") {...}
function check() {...}
function disconnect() {...}
function query($query, $error=true) {...}
function create_database($name, $error=true) {...}
function selects($table, $clause=[], $after="", $__sql="") {...}
function select($table, $clause=[], $after="") {...}
function count($table, $clause=[]) {...}
function delete($table, $clause=[]) {...}
function insert($table, $values) {...}
function update($table, $clause, $values) {...}
function selectRaw($query) {...}
function selectsRaw($query) {...}
$count=$db->count("account", $clauses);
$accountID=$db->insert("account", $values);
$result=$db->selectRaw("SELECT floor(avg(value)) as star FROM `$db->db`.`rate` WHERE `postID` = " . $id);
$result=$db->selectsRaw("SELECT * FROM `$db->db`.`account` INNER JOIN `$db->db`.`team` ON = team.accountID WHERE team.postID=". $id .";");
$result=$db->selectsRaw("SELECT `accountID` FROM `$db->db`.`rate` WHERE `postID`=". $id ." ORDER BY `id`,`value` DESC LIMIT 4");
My nickname is Max, Programming language developer, Full-stack programmer. I love computer scientists, researchers, and compilers. (Max Base)
A team includes some programmer, developer, designer, researcher(s) especially Max Base.