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Sainfoin Leaf Segmentation


Install the following in a python environment:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install torchvision
pip install -U albumentations
pip install pandas
pip install -U scikit-learn
pip install pycocotools
pip install ensemble_boxes
pip install labelbox
pip install nicegui (only for QR code extraction)

Training and Running the model:

Using the UI
Start the UI by running python in the root directory. Select commands to run from the list. If using a fresh install they should be run in order. Multiple commands can be run by entering numbers seperated by commas in order. Ex: 0,1,5 will download images from Labelbox, make the rgbJson, then exit.

UI options

  • (0) Download images from Labelbox Downloads mask images using the labelbox api as well as a json file with the image annotation information. Images are stored in Data/raw/segmentedImages. The export Json is stored in Data/raw/exportProject.ndjson.
  • (1) Make the rgbJson file
    Extracts rgb values and external IDs associated with each annotation in each image from data/raw/exportProject.ndjson. These values are stored in data/processed/rgbPairs.json.
  • (2) Make the bounding box csv file
    Uses the segmented images and rgbPairs.json to define a bounding box around each annotation in the format x1,y1,x2,y2 and store it in data/processed/boundingBoxes.csv
  • (3) Train a model
    Starts the training process using settings form configs/trainConfig.json.
  • (4) Run model
    Runs a model using settings from configs/runConfig.json
  • (5) exit

Training configuration
General settings regarding training are set in configs/trainConfig.json. Changes to the model must be made in src/ The GetTrainingModel function should be edited to make modifications to the model. Modifications to model saving should be made at the bottom of the TrainModel function. The model saves as a .pt file on intervals and at the end of training. It also saves a state dictionary as a .tar at the end of training.

File Summary:

  • configs/runConfig.json -- configuration for running models.
  • configs/trainConfig.json -- configuration for training models.
  • data/processed/boundingBoxes.csv -- bounding boxes extracted from the image masks.
  • data/processed/rgbPairs.json -- rgb values associated with each annotation generated from exportProject.ndjson.
  • data/raw/origionalImages/ -- place the original images here.
  • data/raw/run/ -- place images here to run inference on.
  • data/raw/segmentedImages/ -- location that labelbox mask images are downloaded to.
  • data/raw/exportProject.ndjson -- annotation data downloaded from labelbox.
  • model_checkpoints/ -- location model checkpoints are saved to.
  • outputs/ -- location images are saved to after inference.
  • qrDetection/input/ -- place images here to run qr code extraction on.
  • qrDetection/output/ -- renamed images are saved here.
  • src/ -- downloads images from labelbox and makes exportProject.ndjson, rgbPairs.json, and boundingBoxes.csv.
  • src/ -- splits the training images for training and validation and defines a custom dataset that is used to feed training data to the model.
  • src/ -- creates, trains, loads, and runs models.
  • src/ -- Utilities mostly related to file IO.
  • modelNotes.txt -- notes about several models trained on beocat.
  • -- runs a GUI for extracting qr codes from images and renaming the images.
  • -- runs a CLI tool for setting up and running models.

Data flow diagram



Detecting and segmenting leaflets on sainfoin compound leaves







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