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Revolutionary anonymous voting system
Preserves users’ identity privacy

Anonimous Voting

CI TS SOL MIT license

In today's governance landscape ensuring the integrity and privacy of voting processes is paramount. This project outlines the development of a privacy-preserving voting governance application, leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as ZK proofs, Ethereum Attestation Services, and Semaphore. Key Components

  • ZK Proofs: Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs play a critical role in maintaining voter anonymity and data privacy. By enabling verifiable computation without revealing sensitive information, ZK ensures that the integrity of the voting process is upheld without compromising vote confidentiality.
  • Ethereum Attestation Services: Ethereum Attestation Services are utilized to create a gated voting system. These services provide robust mechanisms for verifying voter eligibility while maintaining a decentralized and secure environment. Attestations serve as cryptographic proof of identity or qualification, ensuring that only authorized participants can vote.
  • Semaphore: Semaphore is employed to allow individuals to cast verifiable votes without revealing their identities. This is crucial for preventing vote manipulation and ensuring fair outcomes.

The proof of concept we developed aimed to demonstrate that by using technologies that we mentioned, it is possible for users to vote on different proposals anonymously, without revealing the identity of the voters.


Technical Actors

  • Creates the identity
  • Generates proof of user vote
  • Verifies that the addresses are attested as badge holders or any other attestation group
Semaphore contract
  • Reference contract
  • Adds identities to a group
  • Checks the validity of the voting option
  • Adds vote to a dynamic array for the poll id
  • Emits an event with the vote and poll id
  • Adds voter checking EAS Attestation UID
  • Relays transactions on behalf of the users
  • Is added as the coordinator for new polls
  • Could be an EOA, a Smart Contract, or a Smart Account.

Identity Generation

Semaphore enables the creation of an identity on the client side using JavaScript, allowing for deterministic generation. The identity consists of three values: two secrets and one public. The public value is the identity commitment, while the two secrets are the nullifier and the trapdoor. When a user wants to participate in the voting process, the backend receives their signature and identity commitment. The backend then validates whether the public key from the signature corresponds to a badge holder. Once validated, the identity commitment is added to a group.


The relayer begins by creating a proposal and assigning a Poll ID. It then adds voters to each proposal and starts the poll. When a user casts a vote, the relayer creates an object that includes the vote signal, the nullifier hash, the Poll ID, and the proof. This object is relayed to the contract. Once the voting period concludes, the relayer closes the voting.


Could be done either by the front or the backend Reads the events emitted by Semaphore Contract filtered by Poll ID Publicly verifiable since the events are published on-chain


Enrollment Flow

User creates an Identity Commitment on the client-side, fetches their Badgeholder Attestation UID from the EAS subgraph, and submits both to the Semaphore contract (which will verify the user is in fact a Badgeholder) and if so add them to the group, which will then allow them to generate a proof for their vote.

Voting Flow

Once a user's Identity Commitment is added to the group and the poll has started, the user queries the contract for the group information related to the proposal they are part of. Using the group information or merkleTreeRoot, the user can generate a proof. This proof, along with the vote, is then sent to the backend to be broadcast to the Semaphore contract.

Vote Count Flow

Once the vote is cast, it is securely stored in an array in the Semaphore contract. The tally can be handled either by the frontend or the backend of the application. The process ensures public verifiability, as all voting events are published on-chain. This transparent method allows anyone to audit the votes and verify the integrity of the election process without compromising voters and their relations to a vote.

Pre-requisites to Test Anon Voting

  1. Have an EOA with OP ETH for gas.
  2. Have a valid attestation. Addresses with valid attestations will be enabled to vote on polls where said attestation is required.

How to issue an attestation to an address:

  1. Enter
  2. Connect the wallet from which the Attestations are going to be granted (this address will have to be set as an environment variable TRUSTED_ATTESTER when deploying the smart contracts)
  3. Click on "Make Attestation"
  4. Input 78 in the Schema input field and select RETROPGF BADGEHOLDER
  5. Click on "Use this Schema"
  6. Fill the fields with the following:
    • Recipient: The address that will receive the attestation
    • RPGF ROUND : 1
    • REFERRED BY : Leave as is. (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
    • REFERRED METHOD: referredMethod
  7. Select "On Chain"
  8. Click on "Make attestation"
  9. Confirm the transaction

Make Batch Attestations using AttestFest!

How to use Anon Voting


Welcome to anon voting


  1. Provide a unique Poll ID
  2. Provide a title for the poll
  3. Set a coordinator to govern the lifecycle of the poll
  4. Set the required RetroPGF Round
  5. Click on Create Poll
  6. Click on Generate Identity
  7. 💡 Now the Poll is open to enrollment. Users have to enroll at this stage to be able to vote.
2 Create Poll

Enroll to vote

  1. Search for a Poll using its unique ID
  2. Click on Generate Identity
  3. If your address is attested under the correct Schema, you can enroll to vote.
  4. Click on Enroll to vote
3 Enroll to vote

Start the poll

  1. Coordinator can click on Start Poll to enable voting for the enrolled users


  1. Search for a Poll using its unique ID
  2. Enrolled users can only vote after the poll started
  3. Generate identity
  4. Select your vote and click on Cast Vote
4 Vote

End the poll

  1. Once the voting is completed, the coordinator can End the Poll
5 Poll Results

For a further stage, once the POC is done and tech-related constraints and risks are mitigated

  • a. Enabling private/public feedback upon proposal generation: by leveraging the same gate-keeping mechanism (EAS Attestations and Semaphore Groups), we can create a feedback system that can guarantee the person providing feedback is, in fact, allowed to do so. This can be done publicly by having the poster broadcast their own transaction including an EAS Attestation UID that can be used to check whether they are allowed to provide feedback. This can be taken a step further to only allow feedback from those who provide a zk proof of having previously enrolled to vote for the proposal. With the use of a relayer we can make the feedback be completely private in the same way we do for casting a vote.
actor Alice
participant MS as Message Storage
participant R as Relayer
participant SC as Smart Contract
participant FE as Front-end
Alice ->> MS: Create message
MS ->> Alice: messageId
alt Public feedback
Alice ->> SC: Broadcast tx (messageId, Attestation UID[, ZK proof])
else Private Feedback
Alice ->> R: Publish message (messageId, signature, Attestation UID[, ZK proof])
R ->> SC: Broadcast tx (messageId[, ZK proof])
FE ->> SC: Get message IDs
SC ->> FE: Message IDs
FE ->> MS: Get messages
MS ->> FE: Messages
FE ->> FE: Display all public/private feedback
  • b. Ability to whistleblow: by leveraging the same stack used for anonymous voting (EAS Attestations + Semaphore Groups + relayer), we can add the ability to whistleblow without revealing the identity of the whistleblower. For this the whistleblower would provide the following to the relayer: a message signed with their private key that proves they are in control of a specific address; an EAS Attestation UID issued by a trusted attester to the same address; a zk proof of having previously enrolled to vote for the proposal; the leak they wish to be made public without revealing their identity.
actor Bob
participant MS as Message Storage
participant R as Relayer
participant SC as Smart Contract
participant FE as Front-end
Bob ->> MS: Create leak
MS ->> Bob: leakId
Bob ->> R: Publish leak (leakId, signature, Attestation UID[, ZK proof])
R ->> SC: Broadcast tx (leakId[, ZK proof])
FE ->> SC: Get leak IDs
SC ->> FE: Leak IDs
FE ->> MS: Get leaks
MS ->> FE: Leaks
FE ->> FE: Display all leaks


Smart Contracts

To deploy the contracts:

Set the following environment variables:

  • RPC_URL: The RPC endpoint URL
  • PRIVATE_KEY: The account private key used to deploy contracts
  • TRUSTED_ATTESTER: The address that we consider as trusted for issuing attestations
cd contracts/
yarn deployOp

...and set the resulting address to:

  • CURRENT_ADDRESS: The address obtained from the deployment

Next, verify the contract:

forge verify-contract --chain optimism --rpc-url $RPC_URL -e $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY $CURRENT_ADDRESS AnonVoting --watch


To run the dapp:

cd frontend/
yarn dev

The postinstall script automatically generates types for the subgraph and hooks for contract interaction.

Environment variables


EAS subgraph URL. (e.g.,


Address of the latest contract deployment (e.g., 0x235511e3c7b0b055fa1431576ebac4438a600bb5)


Address of the schema to query the uid from the EAS subgraph


Address of attester to query the uid from the EAS subgraph


API key for verifying new deployments and generating wagmi hooks for NEXT_PUBLIC_ANON_VOTING_ADDRESS


Private key for the relayer account (used in serverless Next.js functions). Ensure this account has sufficient ETH for vote transactions.