For general information about DataDog, DogStatsD, how they're useful and why all this is useful - read the Rationale, Context, additional documentation section below.
Add to project.clj:
[cognician/dogstatsd-clj "0.1.1"]
Require it:
(require '[cognician.dogstatsd :as dogstatsd])
To configure, provide URL of DogStatsD:
(dogstatsd/configure! "localhost:8125")
Optionally, you can provide set of global tags to be appended to every metric:
(dogstatsd/configure! "localhost:8125" { :tags {:env "production", :project "Secret"} })
After that, you can start reporting metrics:
Total value/rate:
(dogstatsd/increment! "chat.request.count" 1)
In-the-moment value:
(dogstatsd/gauge! "" 17)
Values distribution (mean, avg, max, percentiles):
(dogstatsd/histogram! "chat.request.time" 188.17)
To measure function execution time, use d/measure!
(dogstatsd/measure! "thread.sleep.time" {}
(Thread/sleep 1000))
Counting unique values:
(dogstatsd/set! "" "")
Additional options can be specified as third argument to report functions:
{ :tags => [String+] | { Keyword -> Any | Nil }
:sample-rate => Double[0..1] }
Tags can be specified as map:
{:tags { :env "production", :chat nil }} ;; => |#env:production,chat
or as a vector:
{:tags [ "env:production", "chat" ]} ;; => |#env:production,chat
(dogstatsd/event! "title" "text" opts)
where opts could contain any subset of:
{ :tags => [String+] | { Keyword -> Any | Nil }
:date-happened => java.util.Date
:hostname => String
:aggregation-key => String
:priority => :normal | :low
:source-type=name => String
:alert-type => :error | :warning | :info | :success }
(require '[cognician/dogstatsd :as dogstatsd])
(dogstatsd/configure! "localhost:8125" {:tags {:env "production"}})
(dogstatsd/increment! "request.count" 1 {:tags ["endpoint:messages__list"]
:sample-rate 0.5})
DataDog, being a monitoring service, has the ability, through their DogStatsD implementation, to collect and show important information like when things are happening, and how long those things take.
An example is here: Cog Validation Time
(It should show how long a validation function takes, which, over time, we hope to correlate with core dumps or slow service events)
Because the data is pulled into DataDog, the graph widgets can be pulled into dashboards, so synchronisation and correlation can take place.
Since DogStatsD is DataDog's service, you'll want to tighten the loop on feedback and prevent contamination of production data with dev/testing info.
An excellent package is
It allows you to create a StatsD listener on localhost - and spits results out in the terminal when you make calls. The process is pretty straightforward:
- Install go
brew install go
worked nicely enough - Clone the repository:
git clone
- cd into the repository and enter
go build
- then, run
./dogstatsd-local -port=8126
dogstatsd-local is now listening on port 8126.
You'll need to then tell whatever is using this library at configure-time to send requests to localhost:8126.
To make this work for Manage, the following was added to the ~/.zshrc file:
export COGNICIAN_STATSD_URI="localhost:8126"
... then, when manage runs, it uses the configuration library, which ultimately reads this value from the system environment.
Now, when manage is run in dev mode and instrumented code is hit, the results are available immediately in the terminal :)
Of course, you can do whatever you want, but it's much more convenient for everyone if you include it as "dogstatsd" - so searching across codebases is easier ;)
- Remove reflection warnings
- Metric reporting methods now catch all errors, print them to stderr and continue
- Initial release
Copyright © 2015 Cognician Software (Pty) Ltd
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.