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psmith edited this page Dec 10, 2015 · 33 revisions

Zuul is a free, open source web application which can be used to centralize and manage configuration for your internal applications. It enables your operations team to control changes and your developers a centralized place to organize settings.


See the installation page for download and configuration instructions.


  • Encryption for sensitive values (PGP, AES, Triple DES, and DES)
  • PGP only supports public key, no decryption operations are possible on the server
  • OpenID or LDAP Authentication
  • Role based access control
  • Isolated configurations by environment (qa, dev, prod, etc.)
  • RESTful web services for easy client integration
  • JSON
  • Java Properties
  • Custom Namespace
  • Disk caching for offline development or system down status
  • Auditing
  • Searching
  • Environmental role restrictions

Road Map

  • Rebranding
  • Minor fixes (change links to gravitar images to be https
  • Dependency upgrades (Spring, liquibase, etc...)
  • Upgrades to work on tomcat 8 and jetty as a runnable war
  • Oracle support
  • OpenID replacement
  • Somewhere in here, need automation for regression tests, and regression tests. Help from anyone with docker experience would be great, as this is a big issue for support, and getting out releases.

Project Homepage

Client Integration

To integrate your applications, see the following pages:

Authentication and Authorization

See the [Security] ( page.