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Laravel, Lumen and Native php elasticseach query builder to build complex queries using an elegant syntax

  • Keeps you away from wasting your time by replacing array queries with a simple and elegant syntax you will love.
  • Elasticsearch data model for types and indices inspired from laravel eloquent.
  • Feeling free to create, drop, mapping and reindexing through easy artisan console commands.
  • Lumen framework support.
  • Native php and composer based applications support.
  • Can be used as a laravel scout driver.
  • Dealing with multiple elasticsearch connections at the same time.
  • Awesome pagination based on LengthAwarePagination.
  • Caching queries using a caching layer over query builder built on laravel cache.


  • php >= 5.6.6

    See Travis CI Builds.

  • laravel/laravel >= 5.* or laravel/lumen >= 5.* or composer application


See Full Documentation.


Laravel Installation

1) Install package using composer.
$ composer require basemkhirat/elasticsearch
2) Add package service provider (< laravel 5.5).
3) Add package alias (< laravel 5.5).
'ES' => Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Facades\ES::class
4) Publishing.
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\ElasticsearchServiceProvider"

Lumen Installation

1) Install package using composer.
$ composer require basemkhirat/elasticsearch
2) Add package service provider in bootstrap/app.php.
3) Copy package config directory vendor/basemkhirat/elasticsearch/src/config to root folder alongside with app directory.
4) Making Lumen work with facades by uncommenting this line in bootstrap/app.php.

If you don't want to enable working with Lumen facades you can access the query builder using app("es").


# is similar to 


Composer Installation

You can install package with any composer-based applications

1) Install package using composer.
$ composer require basemkhirat/elasticsearch
2) Creating a connection.
require "vendor/autoload.php";

use Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Connection;

$connection = Connection::create([
    'servers' => [
            "host" => '',
            "port" => 9200,
            'user' => '',
            'pass' => '',
            'scheme' => 'http',
	// Custom handlers
	// 'handler' => new MyCustomHandler(),

    'index' => 'my_index',

# access the query builder using created connection

$documents = $connection->search("hello")->get();

Configuration (Laravel & Lumen)

After publishing, two configuration files will be created.

  • config/es.php where you can add more than one elasticsearch server.
# Here you can define the default connection name.

'default' => env('ELASTIC_CONNECTION', 'default'),

# Here you can define your connections.

'connections' => [
	'default' => [
	    'servers' => [
	            "host" => env("ELASTIC_HOST", ""),
	            "port" => env("ELASTIC_PORT", 9200),
	            'user' => env('ELASTIC_USER', ''),
	            'pass' => env('ELASTIC_PASS', ''),
	            'scheme' => env('ELASTIC_SCHEME', 'http'),
		// Custom handlers
		// 'handler' => new MyCustomHandler(),
		'index' => env('ELASTIC_INDEX', 'my_index')
# Here you can define your indices.
'indices' => [
	'my_index_1' => [
	    "aliases" => [
	    'settings' => [
	        "number_of_shards" => 1,
	        "number_of_replicas" => 0,
	    'mappings' => [
	        'posts' => [
                'properties' => [
                    'title' => [
                        'type' => 'string'
  • config/scout.php where you can use package as a laravel scout driver.

Working with console environment (Laravel & Lumen)

With some artisan commands you can do some tasks such as creating or updating settings, mappings and aliases.

Note that all commands are running with --connection=default option, you can change it through the command.

These are all available commands:

List All indices on server

$ php artisan es:indices:list

| configured (es.php)  | health | status | index    | uuid                   | pri | rep | docs.count | docs.deleted | store.size | |
| yes                  | green  | open   | my_index | 5URW60KJQNionAJgL6Q2TQ | 1   | 0   | 0          | 0            | 260b       | 260b           |

Create indices defined in es.php config file

Note that creating operation skips the index if exists.

# Create all indices in config file.

$ php artisan es:indices:create

# Create only 'my_index' index in config file

$ php artisan es:indices:create my_index 

Update indices defined in es.php config file

Note that updating operation updates indices setting, aliases and mapping and doesn't delete the indexed data.

# Update all indices in config file.

$ php artisan es:indices:update

# Update only 'my_index' index in config file

$ php artisan es:indices:update my_index 

Drop index

Be careful when using this command, you will lose your index data!

Running drop command with --force option will skip all confirmation messages.

# Drop all indices in config file.

$ php artisan es:indices:drop

# Drop specific index on sever. Not matter for index to be exist in config file or not.

$ php artisan es:indices:drop my_index 

Reindexing data (with zero downtime)

First, why reindexing?

Changing index mapping doesn't reflect without data reindexing, otherwise your search results will not work on the right way.

To avoid down time, your application should work with index alias not index name.

The index alias is a constant name that application should work with to avoid change index names.

Assume that we want to change mapping for my_index, this is how to do that:
  1. Add alias as example my_index_alias to my_index configuration and make sure that application is working with.
"aliases" => [
  1. Update index with command:
$ php artisan es:indices:update my_index
  1. Create a new index as example my_new_index with your new mapping in configuration file.
$ php artisan es:indices:create my_new_index
  1. Reindex data from my_index into my_new_index with command:
$ php artisan es:indices:reindex my_index my_new_index

# Control bulk size. Adjust it with your server.

$ php artisan es:indices:reindex my_index my_new_index --bulk-size=2000

# Control query scroll value.

$ php artisan es:indices:reindex my_index my_new_index --bulk-size=2000 --scroll=2m

# Skip reindexing errors such as mapper parsing exceptions.

$ php artisan es:indices:reindex my_index my_new_index --bulk-size=2000 --skip-errors 

# Hide all reindexing errors and show the progres bar only.

$ php artisan es:indices:reindex my_index my_new_index --bulk-size=2000 --skip-errors --hide-errors
  1. Remove my_index_alias alias from my_index and add it to my_new_index in configuration file and update with command:
$ php artisan es:indices:update

Usage as a Laravel Scout driver

First, follow Laravel Scout installation.

All you have to do is updating these lines in config/scout.php configuration file.

# change the default driver to 'es'
'driver' => env('SCOUT_DRIVER', 'es'),
# link `es` driver with default elasticsearch connection in config/es.php
'es' => [
    'connection' => env('ELASTIC_CONNECTION', 'default'),

Have a look at laravel Scout documentation.

Elasticsearch data model

Each index type has a corresponding "Model" which is used to interact with that type. Models allow you to query for data in your types or indices, as well as insert new documents into the type.

Basic usage

namespace App;

use Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Model;

class Post extends Model
    protected $type = "posts";

The above example will use the default connection and default index in es.php. You can override both in the next example.


namespace App;

use Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Model;

class Post extends Model
    # [optional] Default: default elasticsearch driver
    # To override default conenction name of es.php file.
    # Assumed that there is a connection with name 'my_connection'
    protected $connection = "my_connection";
    # [optional] Default: default connection index
    # To override default index name of es.php file.
    protected $index = "my_index";
    protected $type = "posts";
Retrieving Models

Once you have created a model and its associated index type, you are ready to start retrieving data from your index. For example:


use App\Post;

$posts = App\Post::all();

foreach ($posts as $post) {
    echo $post->title;
Adding Additional Constraints

The all method will return all of the results in the model's type. Each elasticsearch model serves as a query builder, you may also add constraints to queries, and then use the get() method to retrieve the results:

$posts = App\Post::where('status', 1)
               ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
Retrieving Single Models
// Retrieve a model by document key...
$posts = App\Post::find("AVp_tCaAoV7YQD3Esfmp");
Inserting Models

To create a new document, simply create a new model instance, set attributes on the model, then call the save() method:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Post;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PostController extends Controller
     * Create a new post instance.
     * @param  Request  $request
     * @return Response
    public function store(Request $request)
        // Validate the request...

        $post = new Post;

        $post->title = $request->title;

Updating Models

The save() method may also be used to update models that already exist. To update a model, you should retrieve it, set any attributes you wish to update, and then call the save method.

$post = App\Post::find(1);

$post->title = 'New Post Title';

Deleting Models

To delete a model, call the delete() method on a model instance:

$post = App\Post::find(1);

Query Scopes

Scopes allow you to define common sets of constraints that you may easily re-use throughout your application. For example, you may need to frequently retrieve all posts that are considered "popular". To define a scope, simply prefix an Eloquent model method with scope.

Scopes should always return a Query instance.


namespace App;

use Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Model;

class Post extends Model
     * Scope a query to only include popular posts.
     * @param \Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Query $query
     * @return \Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Query
    public function scopePopular($query, $votes)
        return $query->where('votes', '>', $votes);

     * Scope a query to only include active posts.
     * @param \Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Query $query
     * @return \Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Query
    public function scopeActive($query)
        return $query->where('active', 1);

Once the scope has been defined, you may call the scope methods when querying the model. However, you do not need to include the scope prefix when calling the method. You can even chain calls to various scopes, for example:

$posts = App\Post::popular(100)->active()->orderBy('created_at')->get();
Accessors & Mutators
Defining An Accessor

To define an accessor, create a getFooAttribute method on your model where Foo is the "studly" cased name of the column you wish to access. In this example, we'll define an accessor for the title attribute. The accessor will automatically be called by model when attempting to retrieve the value of the title attribute:


namespace App;

use Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Model;

class post extends Model
     * Get the post title.
     * @param  string  $value
     * @return string
    public function getTitleAttribute($value)
        return ucfirst($value);

As you can see, the original value of the column is passed to the accessor, allowing you to manipulate and return the value. To access the value of the accessor, you may simply access the title attribute on a model instance:

$post = App\Post::find(1);

$title = $post->title;

Occasionally, you may need to add array attributes that do not have a corresponding field in your index. To do so, simply define an accessor for the value:

public function getIsPublishedAttribute()
    return $this->attributes['status'] == 1;

Once you have created the accessor, just add the value to the appends property on the model:

protected $appends = ['is_published'];

Once the attribute has been added to the appends list, it will be included in model's array.

Defining A Mutator

To define a mutator, define a setFooAttribute method on your model where Foo is the "studly" cased name of the column you wish to access. So, again, let's define a mutator for the title attribute. This mutator will be automatically called when we attempt to set the value of the titleattribute on the model:


namespace App;

use Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Model;

class post extends Model
     * Set the post title.
     * @param  string  $value
     * @return void
    public function setTitleAttribute($value)
        return strtolower($value);

The mutator will receive the value that is being set on the attribute, allowing you to manipulate the value and set the manipulated value on the model's internal $attributes property. So, for example, if we attempt to set the title attribute to Awesome post to read:

$post = App\Post::find(1);

$post->title = 'Awesome post to read';

In this example, the setTitleAttribute function will be called with the value Awesome post to read. The mutator will then apply the strtolower function to the name and set its resulting value in the internal $attributes array.

Attribute Casting

The $casts property on your model provides a convenient method of converting attributes to common data types. The $casts property should be an array where the key is the name of the attribute being cast and the value is the type you wish to cast the column to. The supported cast types are: integer, float, double, string, boolean, object and array.

For example, let's cast the is_published attribute, which is stored in our index as an integer (0 or 1) to a boolean value:


namespace App;

use Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Model;

class Post extends Model
     * The attributes that should be cast to native types.
     * @var array
    protected $casts = [
        'is_published' => 'boolean',

Now the is_published attribute will always be cast to a boolean when you access it, even if the underlying value is stored in the index as an integer:

$post = App\Post::find(1);

if ($post->is_published) {

Usage as a query builder

Creating a new index

# or 
Creating index with custom options (optional)
        'my_type' => [
            'properties' => [
                'first_name' => [
                    'type' => 'string',
                'age' => [
                    'type' => 'integer'
# or
ES::create("my_index", function($index){
          'my_type' => [
              'properties' => [
                  'first_name' => [
                      'type' => 'string',
                  'age' => [
                      'type' => 'integer'

Dropping index

# or

Running queries

$documents = ES::connection("default")
                ->get();    # return a collection of results

You can rewrite the above query to

$documents = ES::type("my_type")->get();    # return a collection of results

The query builder will use the default connection, index name in configuration file es.php.

Connection and index names in query overrides connection and index names in configuration file es.php.

Getting document by id
# or
ES::type("my_type")->orderBy("created_at", "desc")->get();
# Sorting with text search score
Limit and offset
Select only specific fields
ES::type("my_type")->select("title", "content")->take(10)->skip(5)->get();
Where clause
ES::type("my_type")->where("status", "published")->get();

# or

ES::type("my_type")->where("status", "=", "published")->get();
Where greater than
ES::type("my_type")->where("views", ">", 150)->get();
Where greater than or equal
ES::type("my_type")->where("views", ">=", 150)->get();
Where less than
ES::type("my_type")->where("views", "<", 150)->get();
Where less than or equal
ES::type("my_type")->where("views", "<=", 150)->get();
Where like
ES::type("my_type")->where("title", "like", "foo")->get();
Where field exists
ES::type("my_type")->where("hobbies", "exists", true)->get(); 

# or 

ES::type("my_type")->whereExists("hobbies", true)->get();
Where in clause
ES::type("my_type")->whereIn("id", [100, 150])->get();
Where between clause
ES::type("my_type")->whereBetween("id", 100, 150)->get();

# or 

ES::type("my_type")->whereBetween("id", [100, 150])->get();
Where not clause
ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("status", "published")->get(); 

# or

ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("status", "=", "published")->get();
Where not greater than
ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("views", ">", 150)->get();
Where not greater than or equal
ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("views", ">=", 150)->get();
Where not less than
ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("views", "<", 150)->get();
Where not less than or equal
ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("views", "<=", 150)->get();
Where not like
ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("title", "like", "foo")->get();
Where not field exists
ES::type("my_type")->whereNot("hobbies", "exists", true)->get(); 

# or

ES::type("my_type")->whereExists("hobbies", true)->get();
Where not in clause
ES::type("my_type")->whereNotIn("id", [100, 150])->get();
Where not between clause
ES::type("my_type")->whereNotBetween("id", 100, 150)->get();

# or

ES::type("my_type")->whereNotBetween("id", [100, 150])->get();
Search by a distance from a geo point
ES::type("my_type")->distance("location", ["lat" => -33.8688197, "lon" => 151.20929550000005], "10km")->get();

# or

ES::type("my_type")->distance("location", "-33.8688197,151.20929550000005", "10km")->get();

# or

ES::type("my_type")->distance("location", [151.20929550000005, -33.8688197], "10km")->get();  
Search using array queries
    "query" => [
         "bool" => [
             "must" => [
                 [ "match" => [ "address" => "mill" ] ],
                 [ "match" => [ "address" => "lane" ] ]

# Note that you can mix between query builder and array queries.
# The query builder will will be merged with the array query.


	"_source" => ["content"]
	"query" => [
	     "bool" => [
	         "must" => [
	             [ "match" => [ "address" => "mill" ] ]
	"sort" => [
])->select("name")->orderBy("created_at", "desc")->take(10)->skip(5)->get();

# The result query will be
    [index] => my_index
    [type] => my_type
    [body] => Array
            [_source] => Array
                    [0] => content
                    [1] => name
            [query] => Array
                    [bool] => Array
                            [must] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [match] => Array
                                                    [address] => mill
            [sort] => Array
                    [0] => _score
                    [1] => Array
                            [created_at] => desc
    [from] => 5
    [size] => 10
    [client] => Array
            [ignore] => Array
Search the entire document
# search with Boost = 2
ES::type("my_type")->search("hello", 2)->get();

# search within specific fields with different weights

ES::type("my_type")->search("hello", function($search){
	$search->boost(2)->fields(["title" => 2, "content" => 1])
Return only first record
Return only count
Scan-and-Scroll queries
# These queries are suitable for large amount of data. 
# A scrolled search allows you to do an initial search and to keep pulling batches of results
# from Elasticsearch until there are no more results left.
# It’s a bit like a cursor in a traditional database
$documents = ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")

# Response will contain a hashed code `scroll_id` will be used to get the next result by running

$documents = ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")

# And so on ...
# Note that you don't need to write the query parameters in every scroll. All you need the `scroll_id` and query scroll time.
# To clear `scroll_id` 
Paginate results with 5 records per page
$documents = ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->paginate(5);
# Getting pagination links

# Bootstrap 4 pagination


# Simple bootstrap 4 pagination


# Simple pagination


These are all pagination methods you may use:

Getting the query array without execution
ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->where("views", ">", 150)->query();
Getting the original elasticsearch response
ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->where("views", ">", 150)->response();
Ignoring bad HTTP response
ES::type("my_type")->ignore(404, 500)->id(5)->first();
Query Caching (Laravel & Lumen)

Package comes with a built-in caching layer based on laravel cache.

# Specify a custom cache key

ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->remember(10, "last_documents")->get();
# Caching using other available driver
ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->cacheDriver("redis")->remember(10, "last_documents")->get();
# Caching with cache key prefix
ES::type("my_type")->search("hello")->cacheDriver("redis")->cachePrefix("docs")->remember(10, "last_documents")->get();
Executing elasticsearch raw queries
    "index" => "my_index",
    "type"  => "my_type",
    "body" => [
        "query" => [
            "bool" => [
                "must" => [
                    [ "match" => [ "address" => "mill" ] ],
                    [ "match" => [ "address" => "lane" ] ]
Insert a new document
    "title" => "Test document",
    "content" => "Sample content"
# A new document will be inserted with _id = 3.
# [id is optional] if not specified, a unique hash key will be generated.
Bulk insert a multiple of documents at once.
# Main query

ES::index("my_index")->type("my_type")->bulk(function ($bulk){

    # Sub queries

	$bulk->index("my_index_1")->type("my_type_1")->id(10)->insert(["title" => "Test document 1","content" => "Sample content 1"]);
	$bulk->index("my_index_2")->id(11)->insert(["title" => "Test document 2","content" => "Sample content 2"]);
	$bulk->id(12)->insert(["title" => "Test document 3", "content" => "Sample content 3"]);

# Notes from the above query:

# As index and type names are required for insertion, Index and type names are extendable. This means that: 

# If index() is not specified in subquery:
# -- The builder will get index name from the main query.
# -- if index is not specified in main query, the builder will get index name from configuration file.

# And

# If type() is not specified in subquery:
# -- The builder will get type name from the main query.

# you can use old bulk code style using multidimensional array of [id => data] pairs
	10 => [
		"title" => "Test document 1",
		"content" => "Sample content 1"
	11 => [
		"title" => "Test document 2",
		"content" => "Sample content 2"
# The two given documents will be inserted with its associated ids
Update an existing document
   "title" => "Test document",
   "content" => "sample content"
# Document has _id = 3 will be updated.
# [id is required]
# Bulk update

ES::type("my_type")->bulk(function ($bulk){
    $bulk->id(10)->update(["title" => "Test document 1","content" => "Sample content 1"]);
    $bulk->id(11)->update(["title" => "Test document 2","content" => "Sample content 2"]);
Incrementing field
# Document has _id = 3 will be incremented by 1.
ES::type("my_type")->id(3)->increment("views", 3);
# Document has _id = 3 will be incremented by 3.

# [id is required]
Decrementing field
# Document has _id = 3 will be decremented by 1.
ES::type("my_type")->id(3)->decrement("views", 3);
# Document has _id = 3 will be decremented by 3.

# [id is required]
Update using script
# increment field by script
    "ctx._source.$field += params.count",
    ["count" => 1]
# add php tag to tags array list
    ["tag" => "php"]
# delete the doc if the tags field contain mongodb, otherwise it does nothing (noop)
    "if (ctx._source.tags.contains(params.tag)) { ctx.op = 'delete' } else { ctx.op = 'none' }",
    ["tag" => "mongodb"]
Delete a document
# Document has _id = 3 will be deleted.
# [id is required]
# Bulk delete

ES::type("my_type")->bulk(function ($bulk){


See Change Log.


Basem Khirat - - @basemkhirat

Bugs, Suggestions and Contributions

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project!

Please use Github for reporting bugs, and making comments or suggestions.



Have a happy searching..


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