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AlphaHub - We bring Learning to People!!

Meaningful learning can happen anytime, anywhere. We are here to help with resources to support effective remote learning experiences for students, teachers and families.

Features :

  • Authorized login - A student can login into his/her account(like moodle) to access the benefits of the application.
  • Digital Repository - A student will get all the study materials (pdf ,images ,text ,ppt ,syllabus) at one place.
  • Digitized notice - One separate section will be provided in the application itself where students will be able to see any college notices, circulars.
  • Buy and sell - Students can sell their study materials like old books. And anyone can buy those materials provided with respective students' mobile number, book price and other information.

Technology Stack/ Tools :

  • Languages : PHP
  • Framework : LARAVEL
  • Database : MySQL