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dis is a simple and fast tool to compress videos for Discord and other platforms.


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dis 🎥

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dis 🎥 is a simple tool to compress videos for platforms like Discord and likewise. It uses YT-DLP and FFmpeg to download and process videos from various sources, such as YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, and more.

I created this project to make smaller videos that load faster for everyone and are more easily shareable on Discord and other platforms.

Nix Dev Environment

dis 🎥 comes with a nix develop environment that carries all the dependencies (dotnet, ffmpeg, and yt-dlp), allowing you to work on the project without having to manually install them. To activate this environment, all you need to do is:

  1. Have nix installed
  2. Have flakes and nix-command experimental features enabled
  3. Be in the same directory
  4. Run nix develop --impure



All you need to do is run dotnet build, then a bin/ folder will be created that will contain all the build artifacts

Building a Single File Executable

You can build a single file executable which you can run without having dotnet preinstalled and that you can place anywhere. To do that all you need to do is:

  1. dotnet publish dis.csproj -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true --self-contained true --configuration Release --runtime <rid> (Know RIDs)
  2. Then you can find the executable at bin/Release/net8.0/<rid>/


Simply run nix build .#default

Alternatively you can also invoke a nix shell github:DontEatOreo/dis with the required packages to build dis 🎥

Updating dependencies on Nix

  1. Fetch Deps nix build .#default.fetch-deps
  2. Run the script ./result
  3. Move the generated deps.nix (the ./result script will show where it was saved) file to .
  4. Now you can safely unlink the result unlink result


To install dis 🎥, you need to have FFmpeg and YT-DLP installed on your system. You can download them from their official websites or use your package manager of choice.

You can then download the latest release of dis 🎥 from the Releases tab on GitHub. Alternatively, you can clone this repository and build the project yourself using dotnet publish.

If you're using Nix

Using nix profile

nix profile install github:DontEatOreo/dis

Using flakes

You will need to add dis 🎥 to your inputs and pass it down your outputs

  # ...

  inputs = {
    # ...
    dis.url = "github:DontEatOreo/dis";
    dis.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
    # ...

  outputs = {
    # ...
    # ...

After that in whichever .nix file is responsible for your packages you will need to add dis 🎥


{pkgs, inputs, ...}: {
  environment = {
    # ...
    systemPackages = builtins.attrValues {
        # ...
        dis = inputs.dis.packages.${pkgs.system}.default;
        # ...


To use dis 🎥, you need to provide an input video source using the -i (--input) option. The input source can be either a local file or an online URL (e.g., Discord Server, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, etc...).

You can also specify various options to customize the output video, such as:

Option Description Default Value
-i, --input <input> Input video source None
-o, --output <output> Output directory for the compressed video Current Path
-c, --crf <crf> Constant Rate Factor (CRF) Higher values mean lower quality, Lower values mean higher quality 25
-r, --resolution <resolution> Output video resolution None
-t, --trim <trim> Trim input using the format: None
--video-codec <video-codec> Output video codec None
--audio-bitrate <audio-bitrate> Output audio bitrate (in kbit/s) (only divisible by 2) 128k
--multi-thread Use all available threads (for faster compression) true
--random Randomize the output filename False
--sponsor Remove the sponsor segments from the output video using SponsorBlock API False

The CRF is a video compression method that grants users control over the output video quality, with higher values resulting in lower quality and vice versa. It is recommended to avoid values below 22 or above 38.

Here are some examples of how to use dis 🎥:

Compressing a video sourced from an online location:

dis -i

Compressing a local file while adjusting its resolution to 480p and saving it to a designated directory:

dis -i video.webm -r 480p -o /home/user/Downloads

Compressing a video from YouTube and change the video codec to h265, resolution to 720p, and audio bitrate to 128, with a custom CRF value:

dis -i --video-codec h265 -r 720p --audio-bitrate 128 -c 28

Compressing a video from YouTube and trimming only a 60-second period of time.

dis -i -t 50-110


If you want to contribute to dis 🎥, you are welcome to do so. You can report issues, request features, or submit pull requests on GitHub.


dis is licensed under the AGPLv3.