This packages contains uncompiled shared code, that can be used over projects.
As we deliver uncompiled code, make sure to configure Babel to parse it!
For example (includeNodeModules
is the important part here):
// Polyfill and transpilation options
.configureBabel(function (babelConfig) {
}, {
includeNodeModules: ['@drenso/vue-frontend-shared'],
useBuiltIns: 'usage',
corejs: 3,
You can use any plugin by supplying it to Vue. Note that a plugin might require options.
import {Plugins} from '@drenso/vue-frontend-shared';
We offer a couple of fixes. Use them by importing the Fixes
. For example, the Select2 jQuery 3.6 fix:
import {Fixes} from '@drenso/vue-frontend-shared';
You might want to exclude unneeded moment locales with webpack. See
For Webpack Encore, use .addPlugin(new MomentLocalesPlugin())
You can set the default timezone as option for the plugin:
import {Plugins} from '@drenso/vue-frontend-shared';
Vue.use(Plugins.Moment, {
default_tz: 'Europe/Amsterdam',
You will need to import the Router and routes locally, and supply them when enabling the plugin. For example:
import {Plugins} from '@drenso/vue-frontend-shared';
import Router from '@fos/router.min.js';
import routes from '@/_fos_routes.json';
Vue.use(Plugins.Router, {
router: Router,
You will need to import your messages locally, and supply them when enabling the plugin. For example:
import {Plugins} from '@drenso/vue-frontend-shared';
import I18n from '@trans/messages+intl-icu.en.yml';
Vue.use(Plugins.Translator, {
messages: I18n,
missingKeyCallback: (key) => console.log(key),
is optional.
Make sure to configure the messageforamt-loader
for the supplied translation files in your webpack.config.js
For example:
test: /\b(frontend|messages|validators|drenso_shared)\+intl-icu\.(.+)\.yml$/,
loader: 'messageformat-loader',
type: 'javascript/auto'