JavaScript implementation of a DICOM P10 converter to Amazon Ion
Project Status: pre-release software, do not use yet
- ION supports two encodings - a human readable format like JSON and a compact binary format. With other codecs, you either get one or the other
- ION is self describing - no external schema required. Self describing codecs are not as space efficient as schema based codecs, but are easier to work with as they are self contained
- ION has a rich type system - can store binary data, high precision data, timestamps, annotations and symbolic expressions. JSON has precision issues with Number types and poor support for binary (must encode in base64).
- ION is optimized for reading/parsing - enables efficient sparse/shallow reads. ION is much faster at decoding than JSON and competitive with other codecs (protobuf, etc)
- ION has libraries for most popular languages. Protobuf and JSON have the largest language support, all others are lacking in several ways
- ION will be supported for a very long time - it used internally at Amazon
- ION has direct support for hashing.
Read more here:
- Support async iterator as input so we can design for a full streaming implementation
- Make the attribute->value as simple and lightweight as possible (basically TAG=VALUE)
- Preserve the VRs in the original DICOM P10, but only the ones we don't already know (private vrs and multi-vr attributes)
- Use human friendly (Keyword) names for attributes (rather than group/element)
- Order attributes so the most common ones are first
- Must be possible to regenerate DICOM P10 from ION Format. Ideally bit for bit lossless, but semantic equivalence is acceptable
- Store the sha256 digest of the original DICOM P10 so we can very integrity later
- Store the sha256 for each referenced data item so we can verify integrity later
- Stream to source DICOM P10
- Source Info (optional)
- uri to source DICOM P10 file
- creation date
- modification date
- Encoding Algorithm Parameters (optional)
- privateAttributeMaxInlineLength - defaults to 256
- standardAttributeMaxInlineLength - defaults to 256
- data dictionary to use
- Attribute Ordering
- Enables faster parsing/lookups
- Private attributes put at the end
- Uses human readable names vs tags for common attribute groups
- Easier to read/debug
- Stores VRs separately from values
- Easier to read/debug. You rarely need the VR anyway
- Does not parse multi-valude string values into arrays
- Easier to read/debug
- Encodes multi valued numeric types into binary data
- these can be very large (e.g. LUTs) and rarely need to be human readable
sourceInfo: {
uri: "file:///workspaces/dicom2ion-js/test/fixtures/CT0012.fragmented_no_bot_jpeg_ls.80.dcm"
options: {
maximumInlineDataLength: 256,
dataDictionary: {
description: "Unknown edition",
sha256: "c2e30d6191b63d67a9a0606da204e00968286bfe1f94c2ccd2dcf9b8d33ebf4b"
fileInfo: {
sha256: "dc3ff8e550c833236bbee92d163762698b7b0b7b68a1af1b060243580741b7a6",
createdAt: 2021-02-03T21:22:54.051Z
dataSet: {
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PatientName: "Perfusion^MCA Stroke",
PatientID: "0010",
PatientBirthDate: "19500704",
PatientSex: "M",
StudyDescription: null,
AccessionNumber: "0010",
StudyID: "0010",
StudyDate: "20061219",
StudyTime: "111154.812",
SeriesDescription: null,
SeriesNumber: "3",
Modality: "CT",
SeriesDate: "20061219",
SeriesTime: "110929.984",
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InstanceCreationDate: "20061219",
InstanceCreationTime: "202309",
ContentDate: "20061219",
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length: 8192
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position: 28536,
length: 8192
offset: 32800,
position: 36736,
length: 8192
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ManufacturerModelName: "Super Dooper Scanner",
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InstitutionName: "St. Nowhere Hospital",
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NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy: "Smith^John",
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RealWorldValueMappingSequence: [
LUTExplanation: "Regional Cerebral Blood Flow",
MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence: [
CodeValue: "ml/100ml/s",
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CodeMeaning: "ml/100ml/s"
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