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Code Structure

eandr127 edited this page Feb 16, 2019 · 1 revision

Directory Setup

  • src - Where all source directories can be found
    • /main/java - All the sources that for the robot code to run
      • ca.team2706.frc.robot - Package with all robot code
        • commands - Where the commands that perform logic using subsystems for a specific task
        • config.Config - Where constants are defined (static, robot specific or fluid)
        • logging.Log - Wrapper methods to the logger
        • sensors - Sensors that need extra code to make function should go here
        • subsystems - The parts of the robot that can do things, like driving or a mechanism
        • OI - Where joystick inputs are bound to actions
        • Robot - The main robot code that gets called when the robot first start
    • /test/java - The test sources that run in unit testing. Package structure should mirror that of /main/java
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