Farid Yusifli(1), Stefano Faralli(2), Paola Velardi(1) (1) University of Rome Sapienza (2) University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza
MKGDB is a large-scale graph database created as a combination of multiple taxonomy backbones extracted from 5 existing knowledge graphs, namely: ConceptNet, DBpedia, WebIsAGraph, WordNet and the Wikipedia category hierarchy. MKGDB, thanks the versatility of the Neo4j graph database manager technology, is intended to favour and help the development of open-domain natural language processing applications relying on knowledge bases, such as information extraction, hypernymy discovery, topic clustering, and others. Our resource consists of a large hypernymy graph which counts more than 37 millions nodes and more than 81 millions hypernymy relations.
MKGDB is avaliable in two format:
- The compressed zip copy of the graph database is avaliable at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aREGClCuh8HRlaYya_-6Yuu2Itap4YbS) file or download;
- A dump of the graph databse is avaliable at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ytvzb0S1SXy3HxlitdXAnuafHqkrbJXs.
In this section we provide the link to download the dataset we used to generate the MKGDB:
- [Wikipedia category](http://downloads.dbpedia.org/3.9/en/skos_categories_en.nt.bz2);
- [ConceptNet](https://s3.amazonaws.com/conceptnet/downloads/2019/edges/conceptnet-assertions-5.7.0.csv.gz);
- [DBpedia Instances](http://downloads.dbpedia.org/3.9/en/instance_types_en.nt.bz2);
- [WebIsAGraph](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iNe8BcUu5Ineu3IpmjQMn2e_f3MImOLI);
- [Wordnet](https://wordnet.princeton.edu/download/current-version);
- [DBpedia Ontology](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XwVkT40DvutyvXgyhOmUUMaW1rUJVFVc).
We release also the java project we developed to the generation of the graph database starting from the above mentioned dataset. To correctly run the generation of the resource from the above dataset it is required to edit the config.properties file.
Farid Yusifli, Stefano Faralli, Paola Velardi