A messaging library designed to:
- enable the creation of worker components that are isolated from the underlying messaging library.
- enable reliable message publishing
- Java 1.8
- Install: https://pre-commit.com/
- running locally: This will also happen automatically before committing to a branch, but you can also run the tasks with
pre-commit run --all-files
[com.farmlogs.conduit "0.1.0"]
Create a reliable channel:
(require '[com.farmlogs.conduit.connection :as conn])
(require '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])
(def system
:rmq (conn/connection "amqp://guest:guest@localhost"))))
(def reliable-chan (-> system :rmq :conn (->reliable-chan 1000)))
Publish using the channel:
(a/<!! (p/publish! reliable-chan "hi!" {:exchange ""
:routing-key "test"}))
Close the channel by using .close
(.close reliable-chan)
(require '[com.farmlogs.conduit.connection :as conn])
(require '[com.farmlogs.conduit.subscription :refer [subscription]])
(require '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(defrecord LoggingWorker
(start [this]
(let [ctrl-chan (a/chan)]
(assoc this
:ctrl-chan ctrl-chan
(loop []
(let [[[result-chan msg :as event]] (a/alts! [ctrl-chan subscription])]
(when-not (nil? event)
(println "msg:" msg)
(a/put! result-chan :ack)
(stop [{:keys [ctrl-chan process] :as this}]
(a/close! ctrl-chan)
(a/<!! process)
(dissoc this :ctrl-chan :process)))
(def system
(-> (component/system-map
:rmq (conn/connection "amqp://guest:guest@localhost")
:subscription (component/using (subscription {:exchange-name "foo"
:queue-name "foo"
:exchange-type "topic"
:routing-key "*"}
{:rmq-connection :rmq})
:worker (component/using (->LoggingWorker nil)
(extend-protocol component/Lifecycle
(start [this] this)
(stop [this] this))
(def system
(-> (component/system-map
:subscription (a/chan)
:worker (component/using (->LoggingWorker nil)
(let [result-chan (a/chan 1)]
(a/put! (:subscription system) [result-chan "Heya!"])
(= (a/<!! result-chan) :ack))
(component/stop-system system)
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