Manages the entry points and initialization of an uberjar.
This dispatcher was built to share a single uberjar for multiple responsibilities that are served by different JVM processes.
- Install:
- running locally: This will also happen automatically before committing to a branch, but you can also run the tasks with
pre-commit run --all-files
In project.clj
- Add
[com.farmlogs/dispatcher "1.0.3"]
to your dependencies. - Set
- Add
:aot [#".*" dispatcher.core]
to your uberjar profile to includedispatcher.core
to the namespaces to be compiled
In the resources path:
- Create a file entry-points.edn so that it's resource path is
(see below for the format)
Then compile an uberjar and...
$ java -jar some-service-0.1.0-standalone.jar <entry-point> [args]
Since dispatcher.core
isn't referred to by any of your namespaces,
:aot :all
won't cause it to be compiled. setting the :aot
to [#".*" dispatcher.core]
will act just like :all
, but will also
include the dispatcher.core
{"web" {:ns some-service.web
:func -main}
"worker" {:ns some-service.worker
:func -main
:args ["foo" "bar"]}}
Simple example:
$ java -jar my-service-1.2.3.jar backend-worker
Example with arguments:
$ java -jar my-service-1.2.3.jar web 8080
This library also registers a handler for uncaught exceptions which will print the thread name and dump the stacktrace, both to stderr. See dispatcher.exceptions.uncaught on how to modify that behavior.
Copyright © 2017 FarmLogs
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.