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Safe Neurosymbolic Learning with Differentiable Symbolic Execution

This repo (master branch) contains the implementation for the paper Safe Neurosymbolic Learning with Differentiable Symbolic Exectuion

by Chenxi Yang, Swarat Chaudhuri. Published in ICLR 2022.

We study the problem of learning worst-case-safe parameters for programs that use neural networks as well as symbolic, human-written code. Such neurosymbolic programs arise in many safety-critical domains. However, because they can use nondifferentiable operations, it is hard to learn their parameters using existing gradient-based approaches to safe learning. Our approach to this problem, Differentiable Symbolic Execution (DSE), samples control flow paths in a program, symbolically constructs worst-case safety losses along these paths, and backpropagates the gradients of these losses through program operations using a generalization of the reinforce estimator. We evaluate the method on a mix of synthetic tasks and real-world benchmarks. Our experiments show that DSE significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art DiffAI method on these tasks.

How to run the code


This repository requires to run on Python 3.8.12. and install PyTorch 1.10.2.


The trajectory datasets are available in our Google drive. Please unzip the and put the dataset under the directory of dataset/ of this repository.


Train and evaluate with the with the common options:
   --mode: Three methods (Ablation, DiffAI+, DSE) described in the paper. 
   --benchmark_name: Benchmark Names.
   --AI_verifier_num_components: Configurations for verification.
   --num_components: Number of components used in training (For safety loss).
   --train_size: Number of training trajectories used for getting the data loss.
   --bound_start: The starting bound for safety constraint. 
     (default: 0)
   --bound_end: The ending bound for safety constraint.
     (default: 1)
   --nn_mode: Select the neural nerwork structure for a benchmark if applied. 
     (default: complex)
   --l: Neural network parameters. 
     (default: 64)
   --num_epoch: The number of epochs to run the training.
  • mode defines the method to train. Our paper gives three methods in evaluation: Ablation, DiffAI+, DSE, which map to [only_data, DiffAI, DSE].

    • only_data method trains with data loss only.
    • DiffAI method trains with data loss and safety loss extracted from an extended version of DiffAI.
    • DSE is the method of this work.
  • benchmark_name contains the benchmark names:

    • thermostat_new gives the thermostat benchmark with a 20-length loop, two neural networks modeling the cooler and heater, and safety constraint about avoiding extreme temperature.
    • aircraft_collision_new gives the aircraft collision benchmark with a 20-length loop to model the aircraft controller. Collision avoidance is the safety constraint.
    • racetrack_relaxed_multi gives the racetrack benchmark. This benchmark models two vehicles driving in a given map, trying to follow the path planner and not crash into each other or the walls.
    • cartpole_v2 gives the cartpole benchmark. This benchmark models the linear approximation of Cartpole benchmark and constrains the position of a cartpole.
  • AI_verifier_num_components gives the number of input components allowed in the verification part. Given the AI_verifier_num_components as N,

    • if there is only one input symbolic variable, the number of input components into the system is N.
    • if there are k (k > 1) input symbolic variables, the number of input components into the system is N^k.
  • num_components gives the number of input components allowed for safety loss in training.

  • train_size indicates the number of trajectory examples used for training data loss. Trajectory examples are in the form of a sequence of input-output pairs of the neural network module.

  • bound_start, bound_end is the index of the safety constraint list. For each benchmark, we allow multiple safety constraints. By default, the number of safety constraint is 1.

  • nn_mode, l are the neural network parameters. nn_mode is the neural network structure. l is the number of parameters. One benchmark has multiple neural network structures.

Add new benchmarks

When new datasets are in the form of the ones in the, adding new benchmarks is available. You can add a new .py file under benchmarks/ with the model version of the new benchmark, register the new benchmark in, and add the configurations in More detailed instructions for the format are in and


If you find this work useful for your research, please consider citing

title={Safe Neurosymbolic Learning with Differentiable Symbolic Execution},
author={Chenxi Yang and Swarat Chaudhuri},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


our modification of DSE






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