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Attack time

Pablo Collado Soto edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 1 revision

Attack time! 💥

We have already talked about how to set up our scenario but we haven't got into breaking things (i.e the fun stuff 😈). Our goal is to simulate a DoS (Denial of Service) attack. Note that we usually refer to this kind of threats as DDoS attacks where the first D stands for Distributed. This second "name" implies that we have multiple machines trying to flood our own. We are going to launch the needed amounts of traffic from a single host so we would be making a mistake if we were talking about a distributed attack. All in all this is just a minor nitpick, the concept behind both attacks is exactly the same.

We need to flood the network with traffic, great but... How should we do it? We already introduced the tool we are going to be using: hping3. This program was born as a TCP/IP packet assembler and analyzer capable of generating ICMP traffic. Its biggest asset is being able to generate these ICMP messages as fast as the machine running it can: just what we need 👺.

The main objective is being able to classify the traffic in the network as a normal or an abnormal situation with the help of AI algorithms. For these algorithms to be effective we need some training samples so that they can "learn" how to regard and classify said traffic. That's why we need a second tool capable of generating "normal" ICMP traffic so that we have something to compare against. Good ol' ping is our pal here.

Time to limit the links

We should no mention our scenario again. We had a Ryu controller, three OVS switches and several hosts "hanging" from these switches. The question is: what's the capacity of the network links?

According to Mininet's wiki that capacity is not limited in the sense that the network will be able to handle as much traffic as the hardware emulating it can. This implies that the more powerful the machine, the larger the link capacity will be. This poses a problem to our experiment as we want it to be reproducible in any host. That's why we have decided to limit each link's bandwidth during the network setup.

This behaviour is a consequence of Mininet's implementation. We'll discuss it here later down the road but the key aspect is that we cannot neglect Mininet's implementation when making design choices!

How to limit them

In order to limit the available BW (Band Width) we'll use Mininet's API. This API is just a wrapper for a TC (Traffic Controller) who is in charge of modifying the kernel's planner (i.e Network Scheduler). The code where we leverage the above is:

net = Mininet(topo = None,
              build = False,
              host = CPULimitedHost,
              link = TCLink,
              ipBase = '')

Note how we need to limit each host's capacity by means of the CPU which is what we do through the host parameter in Mininet's contructor. We'll also need links with a TCLink type. We can achieve this thanks to the link parameter. This will let us impose the limits to the network capacity ourselves instead of depending on the host's machines capabilities.

After fiddling with the overall constructor we also need to take care when defining the network links. We can find the following lines over at src/

net.addLink(s1, h1, bw = 10)
net.addLink(s1, h2, bw = 10)
net.addLink(s1, s2, bw = 5, max_queue_size = 500)
net.addLink(s3, s2, bw = 5, max_queue_size = 500)
net.addLink(s2, h3, bw = 10)
net.addLink(s2, h4, bw = 10)
net.addLink(s3, h5, bw = 10)
net.addLink(s3, h6, bw = 10)

We are fixing a BW for the links with the bw parameter. We have also chosen to assign a finite buffer size to the middle switches in an effor to get as close to reality as we possibly can. If the max_queue_size parameter hadn't been defined we would be working with "infinite" buffers at each switch's exit ports. Having these finite buffers will in fact introduce a damping effect in our tests as onece you fill them up you can't push any more data through: the output queues are absolutely full... In a real-life scenario we would suffer huge packet losses at the switches and that could be used as a symptom as well but we haven't taken it into accoun for the sake of simplicity.

We fixed the queue lengths so that they were coherent with standard values. We decided to use a 500 packet size because Cisco's (:satisfied:) queue lengths range from 64 packets to about 1000 as found here. We felt like 500 was an appropriate value in the middle ground. With all these restrictions our scenario would look like this:

By inspecting the network dimensions we can see how we have a clear bottleneck... This "flaw" has been introduced on purpose as we want to clearly differentiate regurlar traffic from the one we experience when under attack.

Getting used to hping3

This versatile tool can be configured so that it can explore a given network, perform traceroutes, send pings or carry out out flood attacks on different network layers. All in all, it lets us craft our own packets and send them to different destinations at some given rates. You can even forge the source IP address to go full stealth mode 👻. We'll just send regular pings: ICMP --> Echo request (Type = 8, Code = 0) whilst increasing the rate at which we send them. This will in turn make the network core collapse making our attack successful.

Check out this site for more info on this awesome tool.

Installing things... again! 😩

The tool will be already present on the test machine as it was included in the Vagrantfile as part of the VM's provisioning script. In case you want to manually install it you can just run the command below as hping3 is usually within the default software sources:

sudo apt install hping3


As we have previously discussed this is quite a complete tool so we will only use one of the many functionalities to keep things simple. The command we'll be using is:

hping3 -V -1 -d 1400 --faster <Dest_IP>

We are going to break down each of the options:

  • -V: Show verbose output (i.e show more information)
  • -1: Generate ICMP packets. They'll be ping requests by default
  • -d 1400: Add a bogus payload. This is not strictly needed but it'll help us use up the link's BW faster. We have chosen a 1400 B payload so as not to suffer fragmentation at the network layer.
  • --faster:

We would like to point out that hping3 could have been invoked with the --flood option instead of --faster. When using --flood the machine will generate as many packets as it possibly can. This would be great in a world of rainbows but... The virtual network was quickly overwhelmed by the ICMP messages and packets began to be discarded everywhere. Event though this is technically a DoS attack gone right too it obscures the phenomena we are faster so we decided to use --faster as the rate it provides suffices for our needs.

Demo time! 🎉

The attack we are going to carry out comprises hosts 1, 2 and 4. We'll launch hping3 from Host1 targeting Host4 and we'll try to ping Host4 from Host2. We will in fact see how this "regular" ping doesn't get through as a consequence of a successful DoS attack. The image below depicts the situation:

Let's begin by setting up the scenario like we usually do:

sudo python3

Time to open terminals to both ICMP sources. We'll also fire up Wireshark on Host4 to have a closer look at what's going on. Note the ampersand (&) at the end of the second command. It'll detach the wireshark process from the terminal so that we can continue running commands as we normally would. To do this we need to run:

mininet> xterm h1 h2
mininet> h4 wireshark &

Please note the above might fail. We're running this demo on macOS and even though we'd started XQuartz we failed to get the XTerm window. We encountered a message related to some bad permissions and whatnot. This all has to do with the fact that mininet is ran as root (by means of sudo). Long story short, you should run this before starting mininet:

sudo cp .Xauthority /root

We also struggled to get XQuartz to show the XTerm windows on macOS when connecting to the machine with vagrant ssh test. In order to try and circumvent that we instead issued:

# Note the -Y has to do with trusted X11 Forwarding
ssh -Y -i .vagrant/machines/test/virtualbox/private_key vagrant@

Note the above has been 'explained' at the beginning of the document.

Time to launch hping3 from Host1 with the parameters we discussed:

If we now try to ping Host4 from Host2 we'll fail horribly:

If we halt the DoS attack we will see the regular traffic resume its normal operation after a short period of time:

We then see how the DoS attack against Host4 has been successful. In order to facilitate issuing the needed commands we have prepared a couple of python scripts containing all the needed information so that we only need to run them and be happy. You can find them at:

With all this ready to rock we now need to focus on detecting these attacks and seeing how to possibly mitigate them.