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GOCDB Failover Automation Scripts/Dirs

Author: David Meredith + JK

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This repo contains the service and cron scripts used to run a failover gocdb instance, includes the following dirs:

  • autoEngageFailover/
    • Contians a Service script ( and child scripts that monitors the main production instance. If a prolonged outage is detected, the GOCDB top DNS alias '' is swtiched from the production instance to the failover instance. This switch can also be performed manually when needed.
  • importDBdmpFile/
    • ORACLE only: Contains a script that should be invoked by cron hourly ( to fetch and install a .dmp of the production DB into the local failover DB. This runs separtely from the autoEngageFailover process.
  • importMariaDBdmpFile/
    • MariaDB only: Contains the script and configuration files for fetching a remote database dump as generated by the mysqldump utility and loading the dump into the failover DB. Optionally, if the dump file can be provided as a .zip file archive.
  • nsupdate_goc/
    • Scripts for switching the DNS to/from the production/failover instance.
  • archiveDmpDownload/
    • Contains a script to download/archive dmp files in a separate process


  • The following scripts need to be installed and configured for your installation:
  autoEngageFailover/         # Scripts to mon the production instance and engage failover
      |_ MAIN SERVICE SCRIPT to mon production instance
      |_    #   Child script, run if prolonged outage is detected

  importDBdmpFile/            # Scripts fetch/install a .dmp of the prod data
      |_     # MAIN SCRIPT that can be called from cron, invokes child scripts below
      |_     #   Setup oracle env
      |_           #   Fetch a .dmp of the production data
      |_    #   Drops the current DB schema
      |_          #   Load the last successfully fetched DB dmp into the RDBMS
      |_       #   Oracle gathers stats to re-index
      |_ pass_file_exemplar.txt   #   Sample pwd file for DB (rename to pass_file)

      |             #   Main script
      |_failover_fetch.ini_TEMPLATE   #   Template configutation file

      |_             #   Main script
      |_ failover_import.ini_TEMPLATE   #   Configuration parameters

  nsupdate_goc/              # Scripts for switching the DNS to the failover
      |_     #   Points DNS to failover instance
      |_   #   Points DNS to production instance

  archiveDmpDownload/        # Contains script to download/archive dmp files in a separate process e.g from cron.daily
      |_      # Main script that dowloads dmp and saves in a sub-dir
      |_ archive/            # Contains archive/dmp files

      |_  # Python script to checks the failover
                                  # process is happening

      |_  # Unit tests for the
                                       # check/ script


Start in this dir. Dir contains the '' service script which should be installed as a service in '/etc/init.d/gocdb-autofailover'. This service invokes '' which monitors the production instance with a ping-check. If a continued outage is detected; the script starts the failover procedure which includes the following:

  • the gocdb admins are emailed,
  • the age of the last successfully imported dmp file is checked to see that it is current,
  • the hourly cron that fetches the dmp file is stopped (see importDBdmpFile below),
  • symbolic links to the server cert/key are updated so they point to the '' cert/key (note, no longer needed as cert contains dual SAN)
  • the dnscripts are invoked to change the dns (see nsupdate_goc below).


Contains scripts that fetches the .dmp file and install this dmp file into the local Oracle XE instance. The master script is '' which needs to be invoked from an hourly cron:

# more /etc/cron.hourly/


You will also need to:

  • generate a public/private key pair using ssh-keygen and ensure the public key is present on the host with the database dmp file.
  • populate importDBdmpFile/ with appropriate values and copy it to /etc/gocdb/


Contains the script and configuration file for executing a remote database dump (using the mysqldump utility) and the saving of the resulting dump file locally as a timestamped archive file. Run as --config <config file path> . With no --config option specified, the default is ./fetchMariaDBdmpFile/config.ini


Contains the script and configuration file for fetching a remote database dump (as generated by the mysqldump utility) and loading the dump into the failover DB. Optionally, the dump file can be wrapped as a .zip file archive. Run as --config <config file path> . With no --config option specified, the default is ./importMariaDBdmpFile/config.ini


Contains the nsupdate keys and nsupdate scripts for switching the '' top level DNS alias to point to either the production instance or the failover.


Contains a script that downloads the dmp file and stores the file in the archive/ sub-dir. The script also deletes archived files that are older than 'x' days. This script can be called in a separate process, e.g. from cron.daily to build a set of backups.

#Failover Instructions

  • Choose from options 1) 2) 3)

To start/stop the auto failover service

This will continuously monitor the production instance and engage the failover automatically during prolonged outages

Run as a service:

chkconfig --list | grep gocdb-auto
/sbin/service gocdb-autofailover stop
/sbin/service gocdb-autofailover start
/sbin/service gocdb-autofailover status

Directly (not as a service):

cd /root/autoEngageFailover
./ {start|stop|restart}

To manually engage the failover immediately

E.g. for known/scheduled outages, run the following passing 'now' as the first command-line argument:

Stop the service:

service gocdb-autofailover stop

Or to stop if running manually:

cd /root/autoEngageFailover
./ stop

Engage the failover now:

./ now

Restore failover service after failover was engaged

You will need to manually revert the steps executed by the failover so the dns points back to the production instance and restore/restart the failover process. This includes:

  • restore the symlinks to the server cert and key (see details below) (no longer needed as cert contains dual SAN)
  • restore the hourly cron to fetch the dmp of the DB
  • run nsupdate procedure to repoint '' back to '' MUST read /root/nsupdate_goc/nsupdateReadme.txt.
  • restart the failover service

####Restore Walkthrough At end of downtime (production instance ready to be restored) first re-point DNS:

echo We first switch dns to point to production instance
cd /root/nsupdate_goc

Now wait for DNS to settle, this takes approx 2hrs and during this time the domain will swtich between the failover instance and the production instance. You should monitor this using nsupdate:

# check this returns the following output referring to
	Non-authoritative answer: canonical name =

After DNS has become stable the production instance will now be serving requests. Only after this ~2hr period should we re-start failover service:

echo First go check production instance and confirm it is up
echo running ok and that dns is stable
rm /root/autoEngageFailover/engage.lock
mv /etc/cron.hourly

# Below server cert change no longer needed as cert contains dual SAN
# This means a server restart is no longer needed.
#echo Change server certificate and key back for
#ln -sf /etc/pki/tls/private/ /etc/pki/tls/private/hostkey.pem
#ln -sf /etc/grid-security/ /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
#service httpd restart
#service gocdb-autofailover start
#service gocdb-autofailover status
#  gocdb-autofailover is running...

Now check the '/root/autoEngageFailover/pingCheckLog.txt' and '/root/autoEngageFailover/errorEngageFailover.txt' files to see that the service is running ok and pinging every ~10mins.


Scripts and doc for hosting a failover






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