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List all the comands

php artisan | grep dusk

Fixing errores in sail:

In app container add selenium as depends_on

selenium: image: 'selenium/standalone-chrome' extra_hosts: - 'host.docker.internal:host-gateway' volumes: - '/dev/shm:/dev/shm' networks: - sail

Execute the tests in SAIL

sail dusk

Execute specific test

sail dusk --filter=testRegisterPage

Execute specific class

sail dusk tests/Browser/RegisterTest.php

Create new test

php artisan dusk:make Register

Create new page

php artisan dusk:page LoginPage

When you run a test and it fail, the browser take a screenshot and save it in the screenshots directory

Pages folder inside Browser

Metodos interesantes:

->screenshot('before-filling-form') -> Crea un screenshot automaticamente

->storeConsoleLog('console-log') -> Obtener logs de la en php consola del navegador

->dump() -> Regresa el html

->pause(1000) -> Espera 1 segundo y sigue con la ejecución, util para transiciones, animaciones, AJAX, etc

->whenAvailable -> Esperar 5 segunds por default a que un elemento este disponible

->click() -> Da click en un boton, puede ser clase o id , entre otros ->click('.login-page .container div > button'); ->clickLink('Create Playlist') -> Click a link


->check('terms'); ->uncheck('terms');

$browser->script('document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0'); $browser->script([ 'document.body.scrollTop = 0', 'document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0', ]);

->pressAndWaitFor('Save', 1);

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