- iOS 12+
- Xcode 12+
GenesisSwift requires Swift 5, so make sure you have at least Xcode 12.
In your Podfile
pod 'GenesisSwift'
In your Cartfile
git "https://github.com/GenesisGateway/ios_sdk"
Clone GenesisSwift as a submodule into the directory of your choice, in this case Libraries/GenesisSwift:
git submodule add https://github.com/GenesisGateway/ios_sdk Libraries/GenesisSwift git submodule update --init
into your project tree as a subproject. -
Under your project's Build Phases, expand Target Dependencies. Click the + button and add GenesisSwift.
Expand the Link Binary With Libraries phase. Click the + button and add GenesisSwift.
Click the + button in the top left corner to add a Copy Files build phase. Set the directory to Frameworks. Click the + button and add GenesisSwift.
import GenesisSwift
//PaymentAddress for Genesis
let paymentAddress = PaymentAddress(firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,
address1: address1,
address2: address2,
zipCode: zipCode,
city: city,
state: state,
country: IsoCountryCodes.search(byName: "United States"))
//PaymentTransactionType for Genesis
let paymentTransactionType = PaymentTransactionType(name: .sale)
//PaymentRequest for Genesis
let paymentRequest = PaymentRequest(transactionId: transactionId,
amount: amount.explicitConvertionToDecimal()!,
currency: Currencies().USD,
customerEmail: customerEmail,
customerPhone: customerPhone,
billingAddress: paymentAddress,
transactionTypes: [paymentTransactionType],
notificationUrl: notificationUrl)
//Credentials for Genesis
let credentials = Credentials(withUsername: "YOUR_USERNAME", andPassword: "YOUR_PASSWORD")
//Configuration for Genesis
let configuration = Configuration(credentials: credentials, language: .en, environment: .staging, endpoint: .emerchantpay)
//Init Genesis with Configuration and WPFPaymentRequest
let genesis = Genesis(withConfiguration: configuration, paymentRequest: paymentRequest, forDelegate: self)
//show Genesis payment form
//Push to navigation controller
genesis.push(toNavigationController: navigationController!, animated: true)
//or present to modal view
genesis.present(toViewController: self, animated: true)
//or use genesis.genesisViewController() to show it
if let genesisViewController = genesis.genesisViewController() {
show(genesisViewController, sender: nil)
// MARK: - GenesisDelegate
extension YourViewController: GenesisDelegate {
func genesisDidFinishLoading(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
print("Loading transaction: \(userInfo[GenesisInfoKeys.uniqueId]!)")
func genesisDidEndWithSuccess(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
Transaction succeeded
uniqueId: \(userInfo[GenesisInfoKeys.uniqueId]!),
status: \(userInfo[GenesisInfoKeys.status]!),
transactionId: \(userInfo[GenesisInfoKeys.transactionId]!),
timestamp: \((userInfo[GenesisInfoKeys.timestamp] as? Date)!),
amount: \((userInfo[GenesisInfoKeys.timestamp] as? Double)!),
currency: \(userInfo[GenesisInfoKeys.currency]!)
func genesisDidEndWithCancel(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
print("Transaction cancelled: \(userInfo[GenesisInfoKeys.uniqueId]!)")
func genesisDidEndWithFailure(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any], errorCode: GenesisError) {
print("Transaction failed: \(userInfo[GenesisInfoKeys.uniqueId] ?? "N/A")")
func genesisValidationError(error: GenesisValidationError) {
print("Parameter(s) validation error: \(error.errorUserInfo)")
Set required parameters for transaction type
let paymentTransactionType = PaymentTransactionType(name: .idebitPayin)
paymentTransactionType.customerAccountId = "customerAccountId"
paymentRequest.transactionTypes = [paymentTransactionType]
Set usage or description
paymentRequest.usage = "Usage"
paymentRequest.paymentDescription = "Description"
Set shipping address
let shippingAddress = PaymentAddress(firstName: "firstName",
lastName: "lastName",
address1: "address1",
address2: "address2",
zipCode: "zipCode",
city: "city",
state: nil,
country: IsoCountryCodes.search(byName: "Country"))
paymentRequest.shippingAddress = shippingAddress
Set risk Params
let riskParams = RiskParams()
riskParams.userId = "userId"
riskParams.sessionId = "sessionId"
riskParams.ssn = "ssn"
riskParams.macAddress = "macAddress"
riskParams.userLevel = "userLevel"
riskParams.email = "email"
riskParams.phone = "phone"
riskParams.remoteIp = "remoteIp"
riskParams.serialNumber = "serialNumber"
riskParams.panTail = "panTail"
riskParams.bin = "bin"
riskParams.firstName = "firstName"
riskParams.lastName = "lastName"
riskParams.country = IsoCountryCodes.search(byName: "Country")
riskParams.pan = "pan"
riskParams.forwardedIp = "forwardedIp"
riskParams.username = "username"
riskParams.password = "password"
riskParams.binName = "binName"
riskParams.binPhone = "binPhone"
paymentRequest.riskParams = riskParams
How to use managed recurring in WPF API
let firstDate = Date().dateByAdding(1, to: .month)
let automaticManagedRecurrring = ManagedRecurringParams.Automatic(period: 22, interval: .days, firstDate: firstDate,
timeOfDay: 5, amount: 500, maxCount: 10)
let managedRecurring = ManagedRecurringParams(mode: .automatic(automaticManagedRecurrring))
let transactionType = PaymentTransactionType(name: .initRecurringSale3d)
transactionType.managedRecurring = managedRecurring
paymentRequest.transactionTypes = [transactionType]
How to use managed recurring for Indian cards in WPF API (provided data is exemplary, do fill in your specific data per agreement)
let manualManagedRecurrring = ManagedRecurringParams.Manual(paymentType: .subsequent, amountType: .fixed, frequency: .weekly, registrationReferenceNumber: "123434",
maxAmount: 200, maxCount: 99, validated: true)
let managedRecurring = ManagedRecurringParams(mode: .manual(manualManagedRecurrring))
let transactionType = PaymentTransactionType(name: .initRecurringSale)
transactionType.managedRecurring = managedRecurring
paymentRequest.transactionTypes = [transactionType]
In order to enforce the 3DSecure v2 authentication protocol, set the 3DSv2 parameters for the following transaction types: Authorize3d, Sale3d, and InitRecurringSale3d.
// depending on the context, dates can be current, in the past, and in the future
var threeDSV2Params = ThreeDSV2Params()
threeDSV2Params.controlParams.challengeWindowSize = .fullScreen
threeDSV2Params.purchaseParams = ThreeDSV2Params.PurchaseParams(category: .service)
threeDSV2Params.recurringParams = ThreeDSV2Params.RecurringParams(expirationDate: Date(), frequency: 30)
threeDSV2Params.merchantRiskParams =
ThreeDSV2Params.MerchantRiskParams(shippingIndicator: .verifiedAddress,
deliveryTimeframe: .electronic,
reorderItemsIndicator: .reordered,
preOrderPurchaseIndicator: .merchandiseAvailable,
preOrderDate: Date(),
giftCard: true,
giftCardCount: 2)
threeDSV2Params.cardHolderAccountParams =
ThreeDSV2Params.CardHolderAccountParams(creationDate: Date(),
updateIndicator: .moreThan60Days,
lastChangeDate: Date(),
passwordChangeIndicator: .noChange,
passwordChangeDate: Date(),
shippingAddressUsageIndicator: .currentTransaction,
shippingAddressDateFirstUsed: Date(),
transactionsActivityLast24Hours: 2,
transactionsActivityPreviousYear: 20,
provisionAttemptsLast24Hours: 1,
purchasesCountLast6Months: 5,
suspiciousActivityIndicator: .noSuspiciousObserved,
registrationIndicator: .between30To60Days,
registrationDate: Date())
paymentRequest.threeDSV2Params = threeDSV2Params
Check input data
// Validate all of the configured data per request
do {
try paymentRequest.isValidData()
} catch {
//Check address
do {
try paymentAddress.isValidData()
} catch {
//Check transaction type
do {
try paymentTransactionType.isValidData()
} catch {
- ApplePay
let paymentTransactionTypes = [PaymentTransactionType(name: .applePay)]
let paymentSubtype = PaymentSubtype(type: .authorize)
paymentRequest.transactionTypes = paymentTransactionTypes
// paymentSubtype is required for ApplePay transactions
paymentRequest.paymentSubtype = paymentSubtype
- Authorize, Authorize3d, Sale, Sale3d
let authorizeTransactionType = PaymentTransactionType(name: .authorize)
authorizeTransactionType.recurringType = RecurringType(type: .initial)
let saleTransactionType = PaymentTransactionType(name: .sale)
saleTransactionType.recurringType = RecurringType(type: .subsequent)
// recurringType can be set for Authorize, Authorize3d, Sale, and Sale3d transaction types (or can be omitted depending on the use case)
paymentRequest.transactionTypes = [authorizeTransactionType, saleTransactionType]
- Init Recurring Sale, Init Recurring Sale3d
let paymentTransactionTypes = [PaymentTransactionType(name: .initRecurringSale), PaymentTransactionType(name: .initRecurringSale3d)]
let recurringCategory = RecurringCategory(category: .subscription)
paymentRequest.transactionTypes = paymentTransactionTypes
// recurringCategory can be set for Init Recurring Sale and Init Recurring Sale3d transaction types (or can be omitted depending on the use case)
paymentRequest.recurringCategory = recurringCategory
- Reminders
// Reminders (up to 3) are required when Pay Later property is set to true
paymentRequest.payLater = true
paymentRequest.reminders = [Reminder(channel: .email, after: 30), Reminder(channel: .sms, after: 60)]