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Haled Odat edited this page Sep 18, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the gate wiki!



Mode Description
Normal Default state.
Wire Draw a line from point of first click to second click
Delete Delete element (wires or components)
Component Insert component
Component(Chip) Insert chip component, a sub-mode of Component


Mode Action Description
Any Press <ESC>, E Enter/Escape into Normal mode
Any Press Ctrl + S Saves a current board in JSON format with the specified name
Any Drop-in board file Replaces the current board with the dropped-in serialized board file
Normal Press Shift + N Create a new chip and switch to new chip
Normal Scroll-up Switch to next chip on the board
Normal Scroll-down Switch to previous chip on the board
Normal Press N Renames the current chip
Normal Press D Enter Delete mode
Normal Press c Enter Component mode
Normal Left Click Enters Wire mode, draws a wire from first click
Wire Left Click Finalize wire and enters Normal mode
Delete Left Click Delete element (wires or components)
Component Press S Set insert component to a Switch component
Component Press A Set insert component to a AND gate component
Component Press O Set insert component to a OR gate component
Component Press N Set insert component to a NOT gate component
Component Press X Set insert component to a XOR gate component
Component Press F Set insert component to a output component
Component Press C Set insert component to a chip component. Enters Component(Chip) sub-mode
Component(Chip) Scroll-up Set insert component to the next chip
Component(Chip) Scroll-down Set insert component to the previous chip
Component Left Click Insert the current component
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