Follow the steps on the official website "Getting Started with a Universal Robot and ROS-Industrial"
to set up network using a router.
Download the repo ur_modern_driver
to src
in your Universal Robot workspace, and catkin_make
. If there is hardware interface error during catkin make, replace ur_hardware_interface.cpp
in ur_modern_driver/src
or follow the instruction here
To connect your PC and an UR3, run the following launch file, (you need to source devel/setup.bash
first, and go to each folder that includes the launch file to launch it)
roslaunch ur_modern_driver ur3_bringup.launch robot_ip:=ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS
roslaunch ur3_moveit_config ur3_moveit_planning_execution.launch
roslaunch ur3_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true
or run the launch file ur3_hardware/launch/rviz_config.launch
You may need to change your joint limit file before you run any motion planning program on the hardware. (Example
Get the joint states:
rostopic echo /joint_states
Get end effector position"
rosrun tf tf_echo /base_link /ee_link
Follow the instruction ROS/NetworkSetup
ssh Linux failed: port 22: Connection refused solution: reinstall shh
set ethernet as private, which is discoverable solution
Allow ping through the firewall ICMPv4 private (do not enable domine!!!) solution
ROS and Matlab network setting (can not recieve or publish topic)solution
in Linux change permanent
gedit .bashrc
if pc is not connected to ethernet, comment out last two line of .basrc file.
Jog arm are from the repository Tokyo Opensource Robotics Kyokai Association
The real time control code (Jog_ur3) are from the repository 'jog_arm'
General issues can be found in the issue
- clone repository
fake joint
- clone respository
jog control
- install
moveit visual tools
- catkin make ws
If there is a problem with jog_msgs:
- Remove the jog_controller folder, and catkin_make.
- paste the jog_controller folder back, and catkin_make.
jogging with real UR3 #93
ROS controller_manager
Velocity streaming #218
Adding JointGroupVelocityControllers #224
Can not jog arm with joint_group_vel_controller
, but can make it work with following solution
, which pulish the joint velocity to joint_speed
change the <arg name="robot_ip" default=""/>
in src/jog_ur3/jog_ur3/launch/hardware_standard_init.launch
cd ~/ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch jog_ur3 ur3_hardware.launch
change linear speed in ur3_test.yaml
official tutorial
Generating Message Header File
After you download rosserial, to generate custom messages you should follow the following step:
cd <your workspace>
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun rosserial_arduino /home/<username>/arduino-1.8.5/libraries
you can check you custom message folder at /home//arduino-1.8.5/libraries/ros_lib/ur5_notebook (or ur3_hardware)
To use arduino subscribe ROS topic:
Template for a ROS Subscriber Using rosserial on Arduino
- compile /ur3_hardware/arduino_gripper/arduino_gripper.ino in Arduino IDE, and uplaod to board
- Open a new Terminal and run initialize.roslaunch
- Open another Terminal and start the subscriber node by typing the following command:
cd <your workspace>
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM1