My custom set of miscellaneous but useful utility classes for various Java projects.
The aims of this project include:
- Providing features I believe should be included in the JDK.
- Minimising effort required to use features already included in the JDK.
There is no documentation, however all public and protected classes, methods, and fields have Javadoc.
Versions 0.1.1+
will require Java 16 or higher. Versions below this should work on any version from Java 8 upwards.
Don't reinvent the wheel, add it to your build.gradle!
To add it to your build.gradle
, first add the following code to the repositories
section to load my maven repository:
maven {
name 'Harley O\'Connor Maven'
url ''
Next, add the following to your dependencies
section to load java utilities:
implementation group: 'com.harleyoconnor.javautilities', name: 'JavaUtilities', version: '0.1.3'
implementation(group = "com.harleyoconnor.javautilities", name = "JavaUtilities", version = "0.1.3")