So far, this full set of features has been implemented in C++:
- Character (input-controlled, both keyboard and Gamepad):
- Walk/run toggle
- Jump
- Dodge
- Equip weapons
- Sheathe/Unseathe weapons
- Attack
- Health & Death
- Gold & Souls (HUD & inventory)
- Enemies (AI-controlled):
- Patrol
- Chasing the character when seen
- Attack
- Health & Death
- Character (input-controlled, both keyboard and Gamepad):
- Box trace to detect collisions for different kinds of weapons
- Directional hits detection to play different animations
- Enemy's translation Motion Warping to stay closer to character when attacking (used to set the difficulty)
- Enemy's rotation Motion Warping to face character when attacking
- Enemy's XP points spawned when killed (Souls)
- LockOn plugin integration
- Main character and Enemies random animation deaths
- Dithering & particles before destroying Enemy instances (dithering only for Paladin)
Different types of Enemies have been implemented:
- Paladin (Terrestrial, Weaponized)
- Dinosaur (Terrestrial, Bite)
- Mosquito (Aerial, Bite)
Besides, animations, SFx, and particles have been included for:
- Hits, movements (steps, armor, dodge), Items collection, and exertions for main character and NPCs
- Items: Treasures (for Gold), Souls (for XP)
Some destructibles / Geometry Collections have been also added to the repo.