This is a collection of tools that work well with the Pyne Nessus Parser. Wrapped inside a clean installer and updater tool.
Written by Oliver Scotten.
- Python 3.10.4 or greater
- Git Installed
- Optional Install requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [-A] [-U] [--pyne] [--vulnage] [--epss-cli] [--crackpot-cli] PATH
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PyneTools 2.0.0
An installer and updater for the collection of tools that work well with the Pyne Nessus Parser.
positional arguments:
PATH path to store tools
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-A, --ALL install all tools
-U, --UPDATE update installed tools (this will update ALL tools)
--pyne install pyne
--vulnage install vulnage
--epss-cli install epss-cli
--crackpot-cli install crackpot-cli