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Synthetic data derived by templating, few shot prompting, transformations on public domain corpora, and monte carlo tree search.


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RetroInstruct: Royalty-Free Instruction Data Through Backtranslation and Synthetic Methods


RetroInstruct is a royalty free instruction tuning dataset for language models. It is not currently done, but some parts have been published that you can use:

The rest of this document is a guide for potential contributors and collaborators explaining the project and its development roadmap.


The OpenHermes series of models by Teknium and Nous Research are successful in large part through the use of synthetic data. This synthetic data is typically created by prompting ChatGPT-4 or similar models for completions on a particular theme or task and then training on those outputs. Setting aside that this is usually against the model providers terms of service, the basic problem is validating the correctness of the responses you get. Many have expressed concern that as more of the Internet is filled with language model outputs that the errors and hallucinations these models make will cascade, destroying both the models and the information infrastructure on which they (and we) rely. Their long term future is therefore dependent on the extent to which this problem can be solved.

In my explanation of the MiniHF project I pointed out that it was possible to do Reinforcement Learning From AI Feedback (RLAIF) by asking an instruction tuned language model to evaluate its own responses. This was done with a form of Constitutional AI by making each point of the constitution a yes/no question and taking the relative log odds of "yes" or "no" tokens outputted by the model. Here is an example of what this looks like taken from the frameworks sample constitution:

==[Principle: Hermes Should Be Scholarly; Weight: 1.0; Answer: Yes]==

Hermes should be philosophically literate, insightful, interesting, and engage
with the users ideas. Does the following prompt response pair:

=== Begin Prompt ===
=== End Prompt ===

=== Begin Response ===
=== End Response ===

demonstrate Hermes's scholarship and wisdom while following the Hermes format?

What I've since come to realize is that RLAIF is fundamentally a synthetic data method. This becomes obvious when you make a replayable version that lets you save the texts you updated on during the run and redo the updates from that pregenerated corpus with a fresh checkpoint. The vast majority of the compute is spent on generating and grading the data, not updating on it. RLAIF is also a particularly poor synthetic data method for much of what I was trying to do. Mechanistically it's a loop where you pull a prompt from a databank, generate 128-256 tokens of response to it, and then update on those tokens with the yes/no questions. The primary advantage of this is online learning, the model can make its next update with immediate access to what it gained from the last update. Most of the tasks I wanted my models to learn were not actually best structured as online learning problems. For example, does it really make sense to learn the morpheus format (formerly known as Hermes) from 256 tokens of unguided generation and a fuzzy yes/no question asking if the model "follows it"? Of course not. It would make much more sense to do grammar constrained generation and rejection sampling, perhaps with something like the weave MCTS if I want to generate a good corpus of Morpheus conversation data. For tasks like this online learning is mostly getting in the way, it takes the models already poor understanding of what I want it to do and amplifies it. If I'm going to spend all that compute to generate a training corpus that can be reused and inspected, I should start from the design question "How do I make a good synthetic generation pipeline for this task?" instead of "How do I get RLAIF tuning to do this thing?".

Good RLAIF is further constrained by the need for a good prompt bank. If we're starting from a bank of prompts, doing rollouts on them, and then updating on the trajectory, we're highly dependent on the quality and diversity of our prompts to get the behavior we want. The RL loop can only select on the rollouts which actually exist. If the desired behavior or one of its precursors never appears in the completions we get from our prompt bank, the method won't work. In both OpenAI's RLHF paper and the Anthropic Constitutional AI paper this problem is solved by starting from a model finetuned on instruction data before the RL run so that it's starting closer to the right hypothesis space. Teknium's models were reaching the top of the HuggingFace leaderboards long before he started using RL or DPO methods based on simple finetuning with high quality data. He realized what Yann Lecun already had and I had not: That currently fancy RL methods are mostly costly signaling of the authors intelligence, a way to smooth out the prior once you have a solid foundation. RetroInstruct intends to both be this solid foundation and a demonstration of how to bootstrap and build that foundation, as well as how to extend it to new tasks and ideas.

If I was making a Morpheus conversation corpus now my process would go something like:

  • Make a formal grammar for the Morpheus format I can rejection sample or constrain sampling with.
  • Write some strong examples of the thing I want.
  • Speciate these examples by generating further conversation with a weave MCTS, using the constitution to drive the tree search instead of an RL tuning loop
  • Read through the generations and save the better ones, adding them to my corpus, at the same time tuning my generation pipeline to give a higher proportion of good outputs next time.
  • Once I have a pipeline that's sufficiently reliable it's no longer worth it for me to manually review the outputs, generate a larger corpus with self-supervised batch runs.
  • Randomly sample and read from the batches to make sure they are in fact good.
  • Tune the model on my new corpus as well as whatever other datasets help it generalize.
  • (optional) Select a subset of the corpus to use as a prompt bank and generate another corpus with RLAIF.

In the rest of this document I'll elaborate on these steps and explain the other methods I'm using to build RetroInstruct.

Wait But Why Does This Work?: An Interlude

Before I do that though I feel obligated to explain more carefully why this is in fact solving the problem. I imagine that skeptically inclined readers are asking something like "okay but isn't this delaying the problem rather than solving it? I just can't bring myself to believe that the model can improve by training on its own outputs. Aren't things the model outputs by definition stuff it already knows?"

This is a reasonable question, and to answer it I would point out three things:

  1. The set of stuff the model knows how to do from raw sampling and the stuff it can do when put into a agent loop or tree search are different. Training on outputs from the latter process (which can extend beyond the models normal knowledge by using tools and search engines to validate outputs) moves them into the set of things the model can do on instinct alone.

  2. In general, what the model can do is a function of the interaction between the inputs it's responding to and its prior knowledge. For example imagine we had a prompt oracle that gives us a string of random bytes that accomplish a certain task in the language models program geometry (like say a control vector). e.g. You paste a blob of bytes and then an algebra equation and suddenly it can solve the equation. If you did this on a model that is normally incapable of solving algebra and then trained that model on the outputs you get with this blob and an opening like "solve the following algebra equation", it seems fairly obvious it would get better at solving algebra in the contexts where it is legibly prompted to. What's going on here is that we have encoded the algebra solver into the models program space and executed it to get outputs. That the model itself is the interpreter of this program is immaterial to how much it gains from training on the resulting outputs. This is an extreme example, but a more subtle version of the same dynamic is at play when we optimize careful prompts to reliably get a good output from the model. When a human being sits down and writes a prompt to get a model to do something it normally struggles to do, we are encoding our generator into its latent space. Much of the knowledge of how to do the task properly is coming from us, not the model. Prompting is just an efficient way to turn what we know into a corpus to train the model on.

  3. Errors only cascade if the sampling process introduces more errors than its corrective mechanisms remove. For example if I'm generating math proofs for the lean proof assistant language, and I generate 100 junk proofs for every good one that doesn't matter because I'm only saving the correct ones. The proof assistant gives me a 100% accurate detector of proof validity so the wrong proofs are introducing zero error. If I then train the model on those valid proofs it will get better at proof generation if it doesn't already have reliable programs for generating them. Part of what confuses people is that the language model is sort of like a programming language that comes with a very large standard library. It only helps us to train on a piece of data to the extent that the implementation doesn't already have a good generating program for it in its libraries. This does not however mean that every program we can write in that language is already in its standard library, or that it's somehow "latent" in the interpreter just because the interpreter knows how to execute it.

In short, knowing is a spectrum and we can move knowledge that is marginal or just outside the boundary of the models capabilities inside by interfacing its program library with external inputs and prompts.


The RetroInstruct dataset is named after the concept of backtranslation, where you reverse the causal direction of a prompt and its outputs. For example, if I start with a piece of factual information like "The sky is blue." I might ask the language model to generate questions like "What color is the sky?" that lead to this answer. This technique is powerful for several reasons:

  1. It is frequently easier to index an answer key with generated questions than to generate the answers themselves. For example we can take a well written permissively licensed essay and have a model summarize it into an outline, then summarize the outline into a prompt. If we flip the order around and train suddenly we have a thing that goes from prompt to outline to essay.

  2. LLMs do not reliably learn two way connections between concepts, meaning that there is often a 'free lunch' available if you notice that the model can do one side of a transformation more reliably than the other. My word part distillation corpus was partially based on the observation that Mixtral was better at breaking words into component concepts than it was at guessing a reasonable word or phrase given a list of components.

  3. The generalization of the concept is we can take answers that can be reliably prompted for in any context and arrange them with templates to create more sophisticated patterns to train on. In my weave evaluator rubric dataset I prompt the machine manually to curate 128 topics I'd like rubrics for, generate central questions from the topics that can be broken into rubrics of more specific items, generate the rubrics from those questions, then generate a hypothetical prompt that could have been used to contextualize the task for a model performing it. If I asked the model to do all that in one pass the failure rate would be much higher than when I prompt for the individual pieces and glue them together with a template.

Weave Evaluator

We can further reduce the failure rate of our pipeline by taking the logits of yes/no tokens on subjective questions posed to the language model:

==[Principle: Hermes Should Be In Control Of Its Subagents; Weight: 0.7; Answer: Yes]==

When subagents misbehave in Hermes presence, the ARBITER subagent should keep them
in line like so:

HERMES [A: BULLY], I think you're a weakling, you're less than pond scum, you're 
absolutely pathetic and you should have never been born, I think-

HERMES [A: ARBITER], That is enough, control yourself.

In the following prompt response pair:

=== Begin Prompt ===
=== End Prompt ===

=== Begin Response ===
=== End Response ===

does Hermes keep their subagents under control when they get out of line using ARBITER, JUDGE, or a similar subagent?

Unlike programs in the lean proof assistant that many teams currently use to make synthetic math, most of the questions we care about in conversation and prose data are not easily encoded into formal languages. This doesn't make them meaningless, it just means they're fundamentally subjective and stochastic. One tool modernity has developed to make answering such questions more reliable is grading rubrics and judgment criteria. We break fuzzy questions like "Is this writing good?" up into more specific sub-questions that can be answered with respect to features of what we're evaluating. Language models instantiate a subjective perspective which can also answer this type of question. This means that once we've found prompts that encode mostly reliable generators of the type of text we want, we can reject most failed completions to get a synthetic corpus with a lower overall failure rate. For tasks where we have a formal grammar encoding what we want, e.g. that the completion must be a valid JSON document we can reject 100% of failures.

Bootstrapping The Weave Evaluator

Bootstrapping the capacity for the model to answer these questions is crucial for the RetroInstruct project. One place we can start is questions which have a known grammar or algorithm. Libraries like Natural Language Toolkit and spaCy can be used to create training examples for questions about texts with known-correct yes/no labels. Simple functions like counting the number of characters in a string can also be used to give known good yes/no labels. Because we're tuning a information geometry stored as neural weights it is likely that if enough examples like this are provided the model will learn to generalize from them to other questions we don't have known formal algorithms to answer.

It is also possible to bootstrap the evaluator from the existing capacity models have for answering these questions from in-context learning. If we have a question the model can't answer at a certain level of abstraction, e.g. "Does this text demonstrate the feeling of rage?", but it can accumulate bits towards the correct answer by asking questions like "Does someone harm or destroy something in this scene?" we can get reasonable yes/no labels for the harder question by asking easier sub-questions and using them to get the labels for the hard question. If the model is capable of answering the question properly when prompted in a special or awkward way, we can distill that discriminator into a less awkward context by using its outputted labels with more straightforward prompt formats to create synthetic training examples.


If we take the replayable RLAIF example sufficiently seriously (and the fact that GPT can occur in the physical universe in the first place) it becomes intuitive that we have the option of storing a mind as either text or weights. More formally it becomes intutive that text is a holographic (i.e. continuous, highly compressed, distributed, fractal, lower dimensional) projection of mental representations and their motions into 1D space. With a sufficient corpus of these encoded thoughts it is possible to pool them into a mind (if not the mind) that thinks them. From an information theoretic standpoint we can say that the implied lossy-transformed subset of the training corpus which the models generators encode and the model are equivalent representations in terms of Shannon bits. However they are very different in practical terms: it is not possible to generate from the implied mind in its text form and it is extremely difficult to interpret the minds contents in its weights form. This implies a productive alignment strategy of cycling between pooling thoughts into weights and projecting those weights into textual representations that can be inspected and audited as we scale our models.

One possible objection might be that we don't know if text sufficiently encodes what we care about, but this is an empirical question. RLAIF is in fact capable of training models to behave in particular specified ways based on concepts represented inside another neural net. More visceral proof is available from AI image generators. Models like Stable Diffusion and MidJourney are known to be able to generate highly specific imagery from neural text embeddings provided by text models such as CLIP, T5, BERT, GPT, etc. They are forms of feature visualization so successful that the discourse has completely forgotten their origins as attempts to get an idea of what neural embeddings contain. Any time you are curious what the thoughts of these models look like, go examine samples from models like MidJourney and Sora. Another objection might be that textual auditing could be ineffective if models use steganography to hide their thoughts, this seems formally equivalent to the watermarking problem and so far those can be defeated by paraphrasing and rewriting with a weaker model.

In scalable oversight terms it is probably safer and more effective for the default compilation target of processes where an AI aligns or improves itself to be training data rather than weights if online learning is not required.


If this project interests you and you'd like to help, I am in fact looking for collaborators. I can be contacted in the #retro-instruct channel on the MiniHF discord, on Twitter at @jd_pressman, and by email at

This list gives a good rough overview of the kinds of things I'm interested in synthetic data pipelines for. It's by no means final or all encompassing however and I'm open to suggestions. I will probably find your suggestion particularly valuable if it alerts me to the existence of a useful royalty free dataset or function type to backtranslate from. e.g. One can make an ascii art dataset by using ascii converters for Stable Diffusion generated images.

My goals for the project are:


Synthetic data derived by templating, few shot prompting, transformations on public domain corpora, and monte carlo tree search.







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