As of Clog 2.0.0, this library has been moved into the main Clog repository at The new Gradle import is
Clog logger implementation for Log4j
See for information on Clog.
Clog4j provides simple Log4j implementations for Clog. The mapping between Clog levels and Log4j levels is as follows:
Clog.d(...) --> logger.debug(...)
Clog.e(...) --> logger.error(...)
Clog.i(...) -->
Clog.v(...) --> logger.trace(...)
Clog.w(...) --> logger.warn(...) --> logger.fatal(...)
In addition, Clog tags map to Log4j Markers, like so:
d(String tag, String message) {
logger.debug(MarkerManager.getMarker(tag), message);
Getting Clog4j integrated into your project is easy. Add the following to your project's initialization, such as your main()
if(isDebug) { // <-- isDebug is a flag indicating your build is in development, replace with your actual debug check
Clog.setCurrentProfile("dev", Clog4j.getDevelopmentClog());
else {
Clog.setCurrentProfile("prod", Clog4j.getProductionClog());
In development, all logs will be directed to the Log4j implementations shown above, but in production, all logs will be discarded. You can replace the production log profile with implementations that write to file or send to your a database if you need that instead.
Clog and Clog4j is distrubuted through
In your project-level build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
In your module's build.gradle
(replace the version with the most recent release shown on badge above):
dependencies {
compile('com.github.JavaEden:Clog4j:{{options.v}}') {
transitive = true;
You will need to add a Log4j configuration file to your project for any logging of priotity lower than error
to show. Add a file called log4j2.xml
to src/main/resources/
as your configuration file. A basic example configuration is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Console name="STDOUT" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d %-5p [%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) - %m%n"/>
<Logger name="org.apache.log4j.xml" level="info"/>
<Root level="trace">
<AppenderRef ref="STDOUT"/>