Using sensors to monitor the usage of toilets
This is a group project, JieGH is the team leader, the other two contributers are Daekyun and Yang.
This project used four PIC microcontroller and four sensor board, along with a Raspberry Pi Zero W and a 7-segment display to design a smart toilet system. The system able to monitor how many people had used the toilets, turn on and turn off the room light and heating. all of the data collected from the sensors had been visualized in the IoT cloud platform: DevicePoilet.
Several technics had been used to improve the quality of comunication link: CRC check, TDMA.
The C code uploaded are belong to MPLAB project file which can not be executed unless have the approvate project folder files.
The implenmentation of this project is stated below and demo can be found on Youtube
The data collected will be uploaded to IOT platfrom and displayed.