- Introduction
- Getting Started
- The Application Revealed
- Built With
- Authors
- License
- Acknowledgments
- Appendix
- In a nutshell
- Reference
This is the final year project at IMT Atlantique for students majored in computer systems and networks. The aim of the project is to detect human presence with thermal image captured from a thermal camera of an embedded linux system. Since thermal camera has less intrusion to privacy (thermal camera has no color information and it has low resolution) compared to commercial WebCams with high-resolution, we can develop services for elders and people with disabilities based on this project.
The hardware is composed of two parts, namely, an embedded linux system and an infrared camera, their hardware parameters are listed as follows
Embedded linux system
- Odroid C1
- Processor ARM + 1 GB RAM
Infrared camera
- Lepton Flir
- Resolution: 80 * 60 pixel
In order to run the Human Detection Application on your local machine for development and testing purposes, you can use recorded thermal imagery videos test.avi
and test1.avi
which are put at the sub-directory ./backgroundSubsctraction
and modify the corresponing configuration in the web_server.py
. For example, if your are going to use the video "./backgroundSubtraction/test.avi"
for testing purpose, just add two arguments in initializing the IRCamera
class, namely, test
and file_name
, as is shown below
def video_feed():
return Response(gen(IRCamera(test=True, file_name="./backgroundSubtraction/test.avi")),
mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
Then open a terminal and input the following command
FLASK_APP=web_server.py flask run
A HTTP server will run at, open a web browser, you can see the video streaming of the recorded video with Human Detection Algorithm running above and generating white bounding boxes that indicate detected humans.
When the video is finished, the web server will have an exception since in real case, the video streaming will never be finished
If you want to deployment the application in rather than test it on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
The development is under Python 2.7, so in order to run the application, you need to install the Python 2.7 environment.
For Anaconda users, here is an example of how to create a Python 2.7 virtual environment
conda create --clone py27 --name py27
Then enter the environment by the following command
source activate py27
Then under the Python 2.7 development environment, you need install the following packages
- Flask==0.12.2
- matplotlib==2.1.1
- numpy==1.14.0
- opencv-python==
- scikit-fuzzy==0.3.1
- scipy==1.0.0
- webencodings==0.5.1
- Werkzeug==0.14.1
you can install these packages one by one by pip install package_name
or you can simply run the following command in your terminal
cd ./projet-p206
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you have multiple version of Python installed and you have already installed Flask for one of these environment, there is a great chance that you will have a Flask import error. To solve this problem you can either consider using virtualenvwrapper
which helps with custom Pythons and modules or you can use conda uninstall flask
to remove pre-installed flask package in other environments in order to let the flask installed at current environment visable to you.
To install the application in real environment, you need deploy the programs containing in ./ir_sensor
to your embedded linux system with the Flir One Thermal Camera and running the web_server
in your machine, it's easier for configuration if the embedded linux system and your machine is directly connected or at the same sub-network.
For information about how to connect the embedded linux system directly to your machine, you can follow the instructions in the Appendix
The installing manual is divided into the following two parts, the embedded linux system and your machine
Deploy the code containing in the ./ir_senosr
file to the embedded linux system that has the infrared camera connected.
SSH to the system, and compile the project by the command make
, then you will get an executable file named flir
, if you have problems in compiling the file, you can try make clean
then make
You don't need to compile anything in your machine, once you downloaded the project repository, you have all needed to run the application.
As previously mentioned the application is divided into two parts. The application running at the embedded linux system collects thermal images 27 frame per second and then sends them to your machine by UDP packages via Socket, so you need to specify the IP address
and Port number
of your machine in order to receive these images. To run the part of application at the embedded linux system, you can use the command in the embedded linux system
./flir your_machine_ip_address your_machine_port_number
For example, if your machine's IP address is and your machine's port number is 1234, the command should be as follows
./flir 1234
In your machine, you have two applications available to visualize these images and the detection result, either by running ir_server.py
or web_server.py
If you prefer to visualize the result in a web interface, you should use web_server.py
. Before running this Python script, you can modify the socket configuration, namely, your machine's IP address and the port number you want to use to receive UDP packages from the embedded linux system, the default IP address and port number is set to be ''
and 1234
. However, if you want to change it in order to fit your condition, you can modify the following line of code in the Python script irCamera.py
# Bind the socket to the port
server_address = ('', 1234)
The web_server.py
uses irCamera.py
in to collect images sent from the embedded linux system, as previously mentioned, you can use recorded thermal imagery videos test.avi
and test1.avi
as input to run the web interface, but here, when input comes from the embedded linux system, you don't need any argument in initializing the IRCamera
class, as is shown below
def video_feed():
return Response(gen(IRCamera()),
mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
then you can run the web server by the following command
flask run
This part will present the implementation detail of the application. The presentation is divided into two parts:
- the algorithm used to make the human detection
- the structure of the application
Basically, the algorithm is an implementation of the thermal image background subtraction algorithm described in Human Detection Based on the Generation of a Background Image and Fuzzy System by Using a Thermal Camera. Since the method described in this paper has the state-of-the-art performance of human presence detection with thermal imagery, this project choose to implement this algorithm as the core part for presence detection.
The method described in the paper has two main steps, namely, the Background Generation and the Human Detection. The overall procedure of the algorithm is shown below.
Credit: the image above is modified from Figure 1. overall Procedure of the proposed method from the paper mentioned above by Eun Som Jeon et al.
The demo of the implementation are shown below.
The demo below shows the first part of the algorithm, generating a background image.
- The top left image shows the preliminary background image obtained by median value from the sequence of images
- The top right image shows the binary image of extracted candidate human area
- The bottom left image shows the binary image of extracted human areas by labeling, size filtering and morphological operations
- The bottom right image is the final generated background image
The demo below shows the second part of the algorithm,human detection based on the generated background image.
- The top left image shows final generated background image
- The top right image shows the binary difference image between input image and generated background image, the threshold is determined dynamically with a fuzzy system
- The bottom left image shows the binary difference image of detected human areas by labeling, size filtering and morphological operations
- The bottom right image shows the detected boxes containing of human areas on the original input image
: contains code that need to be deployed to the embedded linux systemflir
: the executable file of the application that needed to be run in the embedded linux systemmain.cpp
: the main code of the applicationMakefile
: used by the programmake
to compile the applicationREADME.md
: contains instructions about how to use the programmake
and how to writeMakefile
, also contains a tutorial of how to use built-in Background Substractor likeMOG
- other files
: contains code that need to be run at your machine__init__.py
: used by Python in order to import modules written in this directory.gitignore
: used by Git in order not to track unrelated files to the projectBackgroundGenerator.py
: the program that generates background images from input thermal imaFuzzy.py
: the program that implements the fuzzy system of the algorithmHumanDetector.py
: the program that implements the human detection part of the algorithmmain.py
: the program that combines the different parts of the algorithms and can therefore test the performance of the algorithm given input as a video of thermal imagesREADME.md
: contains basic explanation and demos of the implemented algorithm
: contains files related to documentations, like images shown in this documentcomm
: the socket communication part of the project are extracted hereclient_udp.c
: the socket client written in c that integrated in the/ir_sensor/main.cpp
: the socket server written in python that integrated in the/irCamera.py
- other files, mainly images
: contains web page for the Flask web serverindex.html
: the web interface of the application__init__.py
: used by Python in order to import modules written in this directory.gitignore
: used by Git in order not to track unrelated files to the projectir_server.py
: the program that visualize thermal images from the embedded linux system and shows detected results based on OpenCVcv2.imshow
: the program that collects thermal images from the embedded linux system and runs the human dectection algortihm on these imagesweb_server.py
: the web server of the application, it takes the detection result fromirCamera.py
and display it via web interfacerequirements.txt
: the required packages for the python development environmentstart_DHCP.sh
: the script to launch a DHCP server at your machine in order to do a direct connection between your machine and the embedded linux system, see more details at Direct Ethernet connection to Raspberry Pi/Odroid without routerstop_DHCP.sh
: the script to stop the DHCP, see more details at Direct Ethernet connection to Raspberry Pi/Odroid without router
- OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision Library, based on which the human presence detection algorithm is developed
- skfuzzy - Fuzzy logic toolbox, used to build the fuzzy logic part of the algorithm
- Flask - Microframework for Python, used to develop the web application
- Jinhai ZHOU - 3rd year student at IMT Atlantique
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- Special Thanks to the patient guidance and generous help from Prof. Panagiotis PAPADAKIS and Mr. Jérôme KERDREUX
- The main algorithm of human detection is based on the method described in the paper Human Detection Based on the Generation of a Background Image and Fuzzy System by Using a Thermal Camera, I want to show my gratitude to thier works although their correspondent didn't reply my question related to their works
Here is a method to convert multiple images to an avi format video without compression which uses the huffyuv encoder
in order to create a lossless output.
Enter the directory where images are saved, use an wild-card expression like img%d.jpg
to select all the image files that are needed for this conversion, input the following command in a terminal
ffmpeg -i img%d.jpg -vcodec huffyuv output.avi
or rawvideo:
ffmpeg -i img%d.jpg -vcodec rawvideo output.avi
By default this will assume your input frame rate is 25, if it's not the case, you can add an option to change it:
ffmpeg -r 30 -i img%d.jpg -vcodec huffyuv output.avi
By default the output will inherit the input frame rate. You can apply the same option to the output. By changing the frame rates you can achieve a certain duration. For example, if I have 900 images and want the output duration to be 60 seconds with an output frame rate of 30, then we can set the output video rate to be 900/60=15 fps
ffmpeg -r 15 -i img%d.jpg -r 30 -vcodec huffyuv output.avi
Note that your images must be named in a sequence starting with 1, and although some encoders are lossless there can be some loss due to color space conversion.
credit : https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1815998.html
The solution is based on running DHCP service at your workstation (your notebook for example), and use it to attribute an IP address to your Raspberry Pi/Odroid. Then use ssh to connect to your Raspberry Pi/Odroid through this IP address.
Terminology | Explaination |
Client | Your Single Board Computer, such as a Raspberry Pi or an Odroid |
Server | Your workstation with any linux based systems, like Ubuntu |
- Enable SSH connection
- for Raspberry Pi
sudo systemctl enable ssh
- for Odroid
find the line
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and set it toPermitRootLogin yes
- Modify DHCP Client configuration
fin the line
sudo vim /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
send host-name "foo";
and uncommented it
Install a DHCP server
sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
to find your Ethernet network interface, it's probably eth0 but in my case it's enp61s0, then you need to configure a subnetwork on this interface -
Backup your interface configuration file
sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.original
Modify interface configuration file
sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
which should be modified like the output below
auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface enp61s0 inet static address netmask network
Backup your configuration file of DHCP service
sudo cp /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.original
Modify the configuration file of DHCP service
sudo vim /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
which should be modified like the output below
ddns-update-style none; default-lease-time 3600; max-lease-time 7200; authoritative; subnet netmask { option routers; range; }
Start the DHCP service by typing
# bring up the enp61s0 interface sudo ifup enp61s0 # start DHCP service sudo service isc-dhcp-server start # enable forwarding from the ethernet to wireless router sudo /sbin/iptables --table nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
Now plug your Raspberry Pi or or Odroid and open another terminal and tape
tail -f /var/log/sys/log
to test the connection, you should see an entry like
Dec 3 21:51:24 jzhou-Alienware-15-R3 dhcpd[10817]: DHCPACK on to 00:1e:06:cb:e0:f5 (foo) via enp61s0
Then you can connect to your Raspberry Pi or or Odroid by
- for Odroid
ssh root@
- for Raspberry Pi
ssh pi@
- for Odroid
- ODROID-C2 from scratch
- How do I install and configure a DHCP server?
- Serveur DHCP : isc-dhcp-server
- Ubuntu Linux Display List of Ethernet Adapter
- Connecting a Raspberry Pi to a ubuntu netbook
install ssh server
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
generate a key pair
ssh-keygen -t rsa
if your have entered file in which to save the key, for example,
then two file namedflir
will be generated at the current folder, represent private key and public key respectively. If not, rsa and rsa.pub is the name by default, and they can be found at the folder~/.ssh/
the private key and public key should be palced at
mv flir ~/.ssh/ mv flir.pub ~/.ssh/
uplode the public key
to the serverssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/flir.pub <username>@<ipaddress>
now try logging into the server with
ssh <username>@<ipaddress>
- The client generate a private key and public key pair
- The private key should be placed at the folder
of client - The content of public key should be concatenated at the file
of server - The
folder should be in modedrwx------
(700) in order to forbidden to other users - Once configured the ssh login with key, it's better to refuse access by password at the server side by setting
PasswordAuthentication no
of the server
Human Detection Based on the Generation of a Background Image and Fuzzy System by Using a Thermal Camera, by Eun Som Jeon et al. Sensors 2016, 16(4), 453; doi:10.3390/s16040453
Update frame in matplotlib with live camera preview, by ImportanceOfBeingErnest, Stackoverflow, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44598124/update-frame-in-matplotlib-with-live-camera-preview
Temporal median image of multiple images, by ely, Stackoverflow, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28682985/temporal-median-image-of-multiple-images
Most efficient way to map function over numpy array, by Nico Schlömer, Stackoverflow, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35215161/most-efficient-way-to-map-function-over-numpy-array
connected component labeling in python, by Alexander Reynolds, Stackoverflow, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46441893/connected-component-labeling-in-python
How to remove small connected objects using OpenCV, by Soltius, Stackoverflow, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42798659/how-to-remove-small-connected-objects-using-opencv
Morphological Transformations, OpenCV API Reference, https://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/doc/py_tutorials/py_imgproc/py_morphological_ops/py_morphological_ops.html
Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors, OpenCV API Reference, https://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/modules/imgproc/doc/structural_analysis_and_shape_descriptors.html#connectedcomponents
Linear Interpolation using numpy.interp, by ecoe and Fred Foo, Stackoverflow, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13166914/linear-interpolation-using-numpy-interp
Apply a function repeatedly over multiple axes, Numpy offical API reference, https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/generated/numpy.apply_along_axis.html
How to create a 2D “rect” array (square block of 1's, else 0's) in numpy?, by Joe Kington, Stackoverflow, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10159178/how-to-create-a-2d-rect-array-square-block-of-1s-else-0s-in-numpy
How to print the full NumPy array?, by Raja Selvaraj, Stackoverflow, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987694/how-to-print-the-full-numpy-array
Creating a GIF animation from PNG files, by Fredrik Lundin and nano, Stackexchange, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/24014/creating-a-gif-animation-from-png-files
Fuzzy Control Systems: The Tipping Problem, Scikit Fuzzy General examples, http://pythonhosted.org/scikit-fuzzy/auto_examples/plot_tipping_problem_newapi.html
Online curve fitting, Online Curve Fitting Tool, https://mycurvefit.com/
Inter-process Communication, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication
SSH, Documentation of Ubuntu-fr, https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/ssh