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It has been moved to the Gallery in the POMDPs.jl documentation

A gallery of models written for POMDPs.jl with visualizations. You should be able to copy and paste the code below each visualization to run it on your local machine.

For instructions on how to add new models, see

For the older version of this package with julia-0.6 models, see this branch.

A Continuous 2D MDP domain for demonstrating function approximation value iteration.


using ContinuumWorld
using POMDPs
using GridInterpolations
using Reel
using Plots;        pyplot()

w = CWorld()

nx = 30; ny = 30
grid = RectangleGrid(range(first(w.xlim), stop=last(w.xlim), length=nx), 
                     range(first(w.ylim), stop=last(w.ylim), length=ny))
solver = CWorldSolver(max_iters=30, m=50, grid=grid)
policy = solve(solver, w)

frames = Frames(MIME("image/png"), fps=4)
for i in 1:length(solver.value_hist)
    v = solver.value_hist[i]
    push!(frames, CWorldVis(w, f=s->evaluate(v,s), g=solver.grid, title="Value iteration step $i"))
for i in 1:10
    push!(frames, CWorldVis(w, f=s->action_ind(policy, s), g=solver.grid, title="Policy"))
write("out.gif", frames)

Implementation of a drone surveillance POMDP from M. Svoreňová, M. Chmelík, K. Leahy, H. F. Eniser, K. Chatterjee, I. Černá, C. Belta, " Temporal logic motion planning using POMDPs with parity objectives: case study paper", International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2015. The UAV must go from one corner to the other while avoiding a ground agent. It can only detect the ground agent within its field of view (in blue).


using DroneSurveillance
using POMDPs
# import a solver from POMDPs.jl e.g. SARSOP
using SARSOP
# for visualization
using POMDPGifs
import Cairo, Fontconfig

pomdp = DroneSurveillancePOMDP() # initialize the problem 
solver = SARSOPSolver(precision=0.1, timeout=10.0) # configure the solver
policy = solve(solver, pomdp) # solve the problem

sim = GifSimulator(filename="out.gif", max_steps=30)
simulate(sim, pomdp, policy);

The optional final project for AA228 at Stanford in Fall 2018. A Roomba equipped with a LIDAR or a bump sensor (shown) needs to try to find the safe exit (green) without accidentally falling down the stairs (red).


using RoombaPOMDPs
using POMDPGifs
using Random
using ParticleFilters
using POMDPPolicies
using POMDPs
using Gtk
using Cairo
using POMDPTools

### Defining Sensor
sensor = Lidar() 
config = 2 # Different room configuration
problem = RoombaPOMDP(sensor=sensor, mdp=RoombaMDP(config=config));
### Defining ParticleFilters
num_particles = 10000
v_noise_coefficient = 2.0
om_noise_coefficient = 0.5
belief_updater = RoombaParticleFilter(problem, num_particles, v_noise_coefficient, om_noise_coefficient);

mutable struct ToEnd <: Policy
    ts::Int64 # to track the current time-step.
# extract goal for heuristic controller
goal_xy = get_goal_xy(problem)

# define a new function that takes in the policy struct and current belief,
# and returns the desired action
function POMDPs.action(p::ToEnd, b::ParticleCollection{RoombaState})
    # spin around to localize for the first 25 time-steps
    if p.ts < 25
        p.ts += 1
        return RoombaAct(0.,1.0) # all actions are of type RoombaAct(v,om)
    p.ts += 1

    # after 25 time-steps, we follow a proportional controller to navigate
    # directly to the goal, using the mean belief state
    # compute mean belief of a subset of particles
    s = mean(b)
    # compute the difference between our current heading and one that would
    # point to the goal
    goal_x, goal_y = goal_xy
    x,y,th = s[1:3]
    ang_to_goal = atan(goal_y - y, goal_x - x)
    del_angle = wrap_to_pi(ang_to_goal - th)
    # apply proportional control to compute the turn-rate
    Kprop = 1.0
    om = Kprop * del_angle
    # always travel at some fixed velocity
    v = 5.0
    return RoombaAct(v, om)
# first seed the environment
# reset the policy
p = ToEnd(0) # here, the argument sets the time-steps elapsed to 0
c = @GtkCanvas()
win = GtkWindow(c, "Roomba Environment", 600, 600)
for (t, step) in enumerate(stepthrough(problem, p, belief_updater, max_steps=100))
    @guarded draw(c) do widget 
        # the following lines render the room, the particles, and the roomba
        ctx = getgc(c)
        render(ctx, problem, step)  
        # render some information that can help with debugging
        # here, we render the time-step, the state, and the observation
    sleep(0.1) # to slow down the simulation

LaserTag problem from Somani, A., Ye, N., Hsu, D., & Lee, W. (2013). DESPOT : Online POMDP Planning with Regularization. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Retrieved from Versions with continuous and discrete observations.


using LaserTag
using POMDPGifs
using QMDP
using Random
using ParticleFilters

rng = MersenneTwister(7)

m = gen_lasertag(rng=rng, robot_position_known=true)
policy = solve(QMDPSolver(verbose=true), m)
filter = SIRParticleFilter(m, 10000, rng=rng)

@show makegif(m, policy, filter, filename="out.gif", rng=rng)

An implementation of the classic Mountain Car RL problem using the QuickPOMDPs interface.


using POMDPs
using QuickPOMDPs
using POMDPPolicies
using Compose
import Cairo
using POMDPGifs
import POMDPModelTools: Deterministic

mountaincar = QuickMDP(
    function (s, a, rng)        
        x, v = s
        vp = clamp(v + a*0.001 + cos(3*x)*-0.0025, -0.07, 0.07)
        xp = x + vp
        if xp > 0.5
            r = 100.0
            r = -1.0
        return (sp=(xp, vp), r=r)
    actions = [-1., 0., 1.],
    initialstate = Deterministic((-0.5, 0.0)),
    discount = 0.95,
    isterminal = s -> s[1] > 0.5,

    render = function (step)
        cx = step.s[1]
        cy = 0.45*sin(3*cx)+0.5
        car = (context(), circle(cx, cy+0.035, 0.035), fill("blue"))
        track = (context(), line([(x, 0.45*sin(3*x)+0.5) for x in -1.2:0.01:0.6]), stroke("black"))
        goal = (context(), star(0.5, 1.0, -0.035, 5), fill("gold"), stroke("black"))
        bg = (context(), rectangle(), fill("white"))
        ctx = context(0.7, 0.05, 0.6, 0.9, mirror=Mirror(0, 0, 0.5))
        return compose(context(), (ctx, car, track, goal), bg)

energize = FunctionPolicy(s->s[2] < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0)
makegif(mountaincar, energize; filename="out.gif", fps=20)

Rock sample problem from T. Smith, R. Simmons, "Heuristic Search Value Iteration for POMDPs," in Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2004. A Rover must pick up good rocks in a grid world. It knows the location of the rocks but does not know which one is good or bad. It is equipped with a noisy sensor to detect the status of a rock.


using POMDPs
using RockSample 
using SARSOP # load a  POMDP Solver
using POMDPGifs # to make gifs
import Cairo, Fontconfig

pomdp = RockSamplePOMDP(rocks_positions=[(2,3), (4,4), (4,2)], 
                        good_rock_reward = 20.0)

solver = SARSOPSolver(precision=1e-3)

policy = solve(solver, pomdp)

sim = GifSimulator(filename="out.gif", max_steps=30)
simulate(sim, pomdp, policy);

An implimentation of Van Der Pol Tag using POMDPs.jl and POMCPOW.


using VDPTag2
using Plots
using Reel
using ProgressMeter
using ParticleFilters
using StaticArrays
using POMDPs
using Random
using POMDPModelTools
using POMDPPolicies
using POMDPModels
using POMDPSimulators

frames = Frames(MIME("image/png"), fps=2)

# pomdp = VDPTagPOMDP()
pomdp = VDPTagPOMDP(mdp=VDPTagMDP(barriers=CardinalBarriers(0.2, 2.8)))
policy = ManageUncertainty(pomdp, 0.01)
# policy = ToNextML(mdp(pomdp))

rng = MersenneTwister(5)

hr = HistoryRecorder(max_steps=30, rng=rng)
filter = SIRParticleFilter(pomdp, 200, rng=rng)
hist = POMDPs.simulate(hr, pomdp, policy, filter)

@showprogress "Creating gif..." for i in 1:n_steps(hist)
    push!(frames, plot(pomdp, view(hist, 1:i)))

filename = string("_vdprun.gif")
write(filename, frames)
println(String(pwd()) * "/" * filename)