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Add an implementation of block Montoison-Orban
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amontoison committed Sep 12, 2023
1 parent 0f8f9d5 commit cfdd7b3
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Binary file added docs/src/graphics/block_golub_kahan.png
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Binary file added docs/src/graphics/block_montoison_orban.png
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39 changes: 38 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -424,5 +424,42 @@ Related methods: [`GPMR`](@ref gpmr).
It also coincides with the Saunders-Simon-Yip process when $B = A^H$.

montoison_orban(::Any, ::Any, ::AbstractVector{FC}, ::AbstractVector{FC}, ::Int) where FC <: (Union{Complex{T}, T} where T <: AbstractFloat)

If the vectors $b$ and $c$ are replaced by matrices $D$ and $C$ with both $p$ columns, we can derive the block Montoison-Orban process.


After $k$ iterations of the block Montoison-Orban process, the situation may be summarized as
A U_k &= V_{k+1} H_{k+1,k}, \\
B V_k &= U_{k+1} F_{k+1,k}, \\
V_k^H V_k &= U_k^H U_k = I_{pk},
where $\begin{bmatrix} V_k & 0 \\ 0 & U_k \end{bmatrix}$ is an orthonormal basis of the block Krylov subspace $\mathcal{K}^{\square}_k \left(\begin{bmatrix} 0 & A \\ B & 0 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} D & 0 \\ 0 & C \end{bmatrix}\right)$,
H_{k+1,k} =
\Psi_{1,1}~ & \Psi_{1,2}~ & \ldots & \Psi_{1,k} \\
\Psi_{2,1}~ & \ddots~ & \ddots & \vdots \\
& \ddots~ & \ddots & \Psi_{k-1,k} \\
& & \Psi_{k,k-1} & \Psi_{k,k} \\
& & & \Psi_{k+1,k}
, \qquad
F_{k+1,k} =
\Phi_{1,1}~ & \Phi_{1,2}~ & \ldots & \Phi_{1,k} \\
\Phi_{2,1}~ & \ddots~ & \ddots & \vdots \\
& \ddots~ & \ddots & \Phi_{k-1,k} \\
& & \Phi_{k,k-1} & \Phi_{k,k} \\
& & & \Phi_{k+1,k}

montoison_orban(::Any, ::Any, ::AbstractMatrix{FC}, ::AbstractMatrix{FC}, ::Int) where FC <: (Union{Complex{T}, T} where T <: AbstractFloat)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Krylov.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, Printf


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268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions src/block_krylov_processes.jl
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# """
# # Q an n-by-k orthogonal matrix: QᵀQ = I
# # R an k-by-k upper triangular matrix: QR = A
# """
function mgs(V::AbstractMatrix{FC}) where FC <: FloatOrComplex
k = size(V, 2)
Q = copy(V)
R = zeros(FC, k, k)
for j = 1:k
p = Q[:,j]
R[j,j] = sqrt(p' * p)
Q[:,j] = p / R[j,j]
for i = j+1:k
R[j,i] = Q[:,j]' * Q[:,i]
Q[:,i] = Q[:,i] - R[j,i] * Q[:,j]
return Q, R

V, T = hermitian_lanczos(A, B, k)
#### Input arguments
* `A`: a linear operator that models an Hermitian matrix of dimension n;
* `B`: a matrix of size n × p;
* `k`: the number of iterations of the block Hermitian Lanczos process.
#### Output arguments
* `V`: a dense n × p(k+1) matrix;
* `T`: a sparse p(k+1) × pk block tridiagonal matrix with a bandwidth p.
function hermitian_lanczos(A, B::AbstractMatrix{FC}, k::Int) where FC <: FloatOrComplex
m, n = size(A)
t, p = size(B)
R = real(FC)

V = zeros(FC, n, (k+1)*p)
T = spzeros(FC, (k+1)*p, k*p)

for i = 1:k
pos1 = (i-1)*p + 1
pos2 = i*p
vᵢ = view(V,:,pos1:pos2)
vᵢ₊₁ = view(V,:,pos1+p:pos2+p)
if i == 1
Q, Ψᵢ = mgs(B)
vᵢ .= Q
aux = A * vᵢ
if i 2
vᵢ₋₁ = view(V,:,pos1-p:pos2-p)
Ψᵢ = T[pos1:pos2,pos1-p:pos2-p]
T[pos1-p:pos2-p,pos1:pos2] .= Ψᵢ'
aux = aux - vᵢ₋₁ * Ψᵢ'
Ωᵢ = vᵢ' * aux
T[pos1:pos2,pos1:pos2] .= Ωᵢ
aux = aux - vᵢ * Ωᵢ
Q, Ψᵢ₊₁ = mgs(aux)
vᵢ₊₁ .= Q
T[pos1+p:pos2+p,pos1:pos2] .= Ψᵢ₊₁
return V, T

V, H = arnoldi(A, B, k; reorthogonalization=false)
#### Input arguments
* `A`: a linear operator that models a square matrix of dimension n;
* `B`: a matrix of size n × p;
* `k`: the number of iterations of the block Arnoldi process.
#### Keyword arguments
* `reorthogonalization`: reorthogonalize the new matrices of the block Krylov basis against all previous matrices.
#### Output arguments
* `V`: a dense n × p(k+1) matrix;
* `H`: a dense p(k+1) × pk block upper Hessenberg matrix with a lower bandwidth p.
function arnoldi(A, B::AbstractMatrix{FC}, k::Int; reorthogonalization::Bool=false) where FC <: FloatOrComplex
m, n = size(A)
t, p = size(B)

V = zeros(FC, n, (k+1)*p)
H = zeros(FC, (k+1)*p, k*p)

for j = 1:k
pos1 = (j-1)*p + 1
pos2 = j*p
vⱼ = view(V,:,pos1:pos2)
vⱼ₊₁ = view(V,:,pos1+p:pos2+p)
if j == 1
Q, Γ = mgs(B)
vⱼ .= Q
q = A * vⱼ
for i = 1:j
pos3 = (i-1)*p + 1
pos4 = i*p
vᵢ = view(V,:,pos3:pos4)
Ψᵢⱼ = vᵢ' * q
H[pos3:pos4,pos1:pos2] .= Ψᵢⱼ
q = q - vᵢ * Ψᵢⱼ
if reorthogonalization
for i = 1:j
pos3 = (i-1)*p + 1
pos4 = i*p
vᵢ = view(V,:,pos3:pos4)
Ψtmp = vᵢ' * q
q = q - vᵢ * Ψtmp
H[pos3:pos4,pos1:pos2] .+= Ψtmp
Q, Ψ = mgs(q)
H[pos1+p:pos2+p,pos1:pos2] .= Ψ
vⱼ₊₁ .= Q
return V, H

V, U, L = golub_kahan(A, B, k)
#### Input arguments
* `A`: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension m × n;
* `B`: a matrix of size m × p;
* `k`: the number of iterations of the block Golub-Kahan process.
#### Output arguments
* `V`: a dense n × p(k+1) matrix;
* `U`: a dense m × p(k+1) matrix;
* `L`: a sparse p(k+1) × p(k+1) block lower bidiagonal matrix with a lower bandwidth p.
function golub_kahan(A, B::AbstractMatrix{FC}, k::Int) where FC <: FloatOrComplex
m, n = size(A)
t, p = size(B)
R = real(FC)
Aᴴ = A'

V = zeros(FC, n, (k+1)*p)
U = zeros(FC, m, (k+1)*p)
L = spzeros(FC, (k+1)*p, (k+1)*p)

for i = 1:k
pos1 = (i-1)*p + 1
pos2 = i*p
pos3 = pos1 + p
pos4 = pos2 + p
vᵢ = view(V,:,pos1:pos2)
vᵢ₊₁ = view(V,:,pos1+p:pos2+p)
uᵢ = view(U,:,pos1:pos2)
uᵢ₊₁ = view(U,:,pos1+p:pos2+p)
if i == 1
Qu, Ψᵢ = mgs(B)
uᵢ .= Qu
q = Aᴴ * uᵢ
Qv, TΩᵢ = mgs(q)
vᵢ .= Qv
L[pos1:pos2,pos1:pos2] .= TΩᵢ'
aux1 = A * vᵢ
Ωᵢ = L[pos1:pos2,pos1:pos2]
aux1 = aux1 - uᵢ * Ωᵢ
Qu, Ψᵢ₊₁ = mgs(aux1)
uᵢ₊₁ .= Qu
L[pos3:pos4,pos1:pos2] .= Ψᵢ₊₁
aux2 = Aᴴ * uᵢ₊₁
aux2 = aux2 - vᵢ * Ψᵢ₊₁'
Qv, TΩᵢ₊₁ = mgs(aux2)
vᵢ₊₁ .= Qv
L[pos3:pos4,pos3:pos4] .= TΩᵢ₊₁'
return V, U, L

V, H, U, F = montoison_orban(A, B, D, C, k; reorthogonalization=false)
#### Input arguments
* `A`: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension m × n;
* `B`: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension n × m;
* `D`: a matrix of size m × p;
* `C`: a matrix of size n × p;
* `k`: the number of iterations of the block Montoison-Orban process.
#### Keyword arguments
* `reorthogonalization`: reorthogonalize the new matrices of the block Krylov basis against all previous matrices.
#### Output arguments
* `V`: a dense m × p(k+1) matrix;
* `H`: a dense p(k+1) × pk block upper Hessenberg matrix with a lower bandwidth p;
* `U`: a dense n × p(k+1) matrix;
* `F`: a dense p(k+1) × pk block upper Hessenberg matrix with a lower bandwidth p.
function montoison_orban(A, B, D::AbstractMatrix{FC}, C::AbstractMatrix{FC}, k::Int; reorthogonalization::Bool=false) where FC <: FloatOrComplex
m, n = size(A)
t, p = size(D)

V = zeros(FC, m, (k+1)*p)
U = zeros(FC, n, (k+1)*p)
H = zeros(FC, (k+1)*p, k*p)
F = zeros(FC, (k+1)*p, k*p)

for j = 1:k
pos1 = (j-1)*p + 1
pos2 = j*p
vⱼ = view(V,:,pos1:pos2)
vⱼ₊₁ = view(V,:,pos1+p:pos2+p)
uⱼ = view(U,:,pos1:pos2)
uⱼ₊₁ = view(U,:,pos1+p:pos2+p)
if j == 1
Qv, Γ = mgs(D)
vⱼ .= Qv
Qu, Λ = mgs(C)
uⱼ .= Qu
qv = A * uⱼ
qu = B * vⱼ
for i = 1:j
pos3 = (i-1)*p + 1
pos4 = i*p
vᵢ = view(V,:,pos3:pos4)
uᵢ = view(U,:,pos3:pos4)
Ψᵢⱼ = vᵢ' * qv
H[pos3:pos4,pos1:pos2] .= Ψᵢⱼ
qv = qv - vᵢ * Ψᵢⱼ
Φᵢⱼ = uᵢ' * qu
F[pos3:pos4,pos1:pos2] .= Φᵢⱼ
qu = qu - uᵢ * Φᵢⱼ
if reorthogonalization
for i = 1:j
pos3 = (i-1)*p + 1
pos4 = i*p
vᵢ = view(V,:,pos3:pos4)
uᵢ = view(U,:,pos3:pos4)
Ψtmp = vᵢ' * qv
qv = qv - vᵢ * Ψtmp
H[pos3:pos4,pos1:pos2] .+= Ψtmp
Φtmp = uᵢ' * qu
qu = qu - uᵢ * Φtmp
F[pos3:pos4,pos1:pos2] .+= Φtmp
Qv, Ψ = mgs(qv)
H[pos1+p:pos2+p,pos1:pos2] .= Ψ
vⱼ₊₁ .= Qv
Qu, Φ = mgs(qu)
F[pos1+p:pos2+p,pos1:pos2] .= Φ
uⱼ₊₁ .= Qu
return V, H, U, F

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