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This is a Case Study for security research in the mobility sector using modules of the reference implementation mds-core. To generate data for the mds-core, a slightly modified version of mds-provider-services, this one is used. The mds-provider-services repository depends on mds-provider which also slightly was modified, because otherwise it hadn't worked because of version conflicts. The modified version can be found here.

Overview of the mds-casestudy-system

Used Components of mds-core together with mds-client

Used Components of mds-core together with mds-client

mds-core consists of several modules, such as mds-agency, mds-provider and others. In this project, only mds-agency is used. It offers a REST-Interface and methods which are used by the mds-client. mds-agency is also connected to a postgres database where the data is stored.

Process of generating data and inserting it in mds-core via mds-client

Process of generating data and inserting it in mds-core via mds-client

This explains the flow of mds-client. First the data is generated by mds-provider-services. Then it is put into mds-client, which first makes a GET request in order to check, if the vehicle has already been registrated because of the duplicates in the generated data. When status 404 is returned, mds-client sends a POST request with information about the vehicle. That is also written in the postgres_db.


First steps

Clone this repository, navigate into the folder then

docker build -t CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME .
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e NODE_ENV=development CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME image 

If your machine which builds the images of the containers doesn't have enough RAM, add --workspace-concurrency 2 to the above command.

The docker run command may take some time, just be patient. The docker socket of the host is being mounted into the docker socket of the container, so that the built images can be accessed by the host later (because the docker container uses the socket of the host machine).

Remember, docker requires sudo rights and don't forget to make executable (chmod +x).

Even if there are error warnings on redis while building or running mds-core, if docker builds the images successfully, the application should work correctly. If you have trouble, have a look at this section.

Generate fake data

For the script, you first have to clone this repository:

  • Then put the script in the main folder of the repository
  • Check if it's executable/make it executable with chmod +x
  • Run the script (./
  • Now you find the generated fake data (status_changes and trips) in JSON files in the data folder of the repository.

Insert data via the mds-client into mds-agency

For sending fake data to the agency which saves it in the database: (after following the first steps introduction)

cd mds-client
docker build -t mds-client .
cd ..
docker-compose up -d

If you want to send other requests to the mds-agency, there is documentation about the API Endpoints, what methods do exist and what parameters are required.

Authentication handled through mds-client

There is some authentication required for accessing mds-agency which is already built into the mds-client.

In fact, mds-core doesn't have a 'real' authentication. When you send a request to the mds-agency, you need to include a JWT which has to include the provider_id to authenticate and identify the right provider (and add the vehicle to the right provider e.g.). But the provider_id can be a random UUID. This UUID has to be used to calculate a JWT and then can be used as Authorization as a Bearer Token in the request. You can e.g. take a provider_id from the generated fake-data file or generate a UUID yourself. The provider_id is encoded in the JWT.

You need the authentication otherwise the request can't be related to a provider and thus fails.

Explanation of some implementation decisions of mds-client

  • The mds-client is written in Typescript and uses the axios package for sending the requests to the mds-agency. node-fetch was another possibility which wasn't used because it only supports import and not require anymore. Typescript compiles normally to CommonJS, at first it didn't work out to change that, so we chose axios but the other package had worked the same.
  • Typescript has to compile mds-client as a ES Modul and not CommonJS, therefore in the tsconfig.json file, change the module to ESNext, incomment moduleResolution:node and allowSyntheticDefaultImports.
  • In Typescript write the keyword 'new' in front of objects
  • Adding some dev-dependencies was also necessary, because the modules are written in Javascript and Typescript likes types, as well as adding .js at the end of some imports, e.g. stream-json/streamers/StreamArray.js
  • tsc FILE_NAME doesn't work because it ignores the tsconfig file, so just type tsc to compile
  • Added type:module in the package.json because of node


When you start the application with docker-compose, there is also a pgadmin client which is being started along

  • If you want, delete the content of the current database (or you can also not mount a volume inside the docker-compose file)
  • For deleting the data from the database, go to localhost:8088 (works only if docker-compose is started, because one service is pgadmin)
  • Login with
  • Add server postgres with hostname, username and password: postgres (you can name the server as you wish)
  • Click on the symbol on the left upper part of the window with database symbol and run arrow, then you can insert the SQL query:
DELETE FROM devices WHERE true
  • In the docker container mds-client, the script for adding vehicles to the database will be executed automatically. You can test if it has worked through the pgadmin site, typing:
SELECT * from devices

Screenshot PgAdmin

There should be 291 entries in it (in the JSON file there are about 7000 but a lot of duplicates). You also get a response in the command line of the docker container (can be read with docker logs CONTAINER_ID), if it has worked.

If you want to send other generated data to the agency, just follow the first instruction part on generating fake data, then copy the generated provider_status_changes.json file into the mds-client folder and rename it provider_status_changes.json (replace or delete the other file in the folder with the same name)


mds-provider-services also includes a pgadmin client, but when you just follow the instructions on the github site of the repo, you get permission conflicts, cause the user pgadmin is not allowed to write into the directory /var/lib/pgadmin. There are two solutions:

  • in the docker-compose file, mount another folder to that place so that docker decides where to save it without permission conflict:
      - pgadmin:/var/lib/pgadmin   
  • change the owner rights:
sudo chown -R 5050:5050 data/pgadmin/

Restart docker-compose and login with

I modified mds-provider-services because of a wrong schema-url and set another default value for a version number which works now. There was a change between the versions of mds in the naming of the files and also the schema of the json file. After the changes were done in mds, the mds-provider repo wasn't maintained anymore. I also changed the mds-provider because of a syntax error in calculating the sum. Therefore I changed the dependent git repo for mds-provider-services to the forked one with the correct sum calculation.

Helpful remarks

  • When using mds-core locally, make sure, the right version of pnpm is installed! Although the version number was specified in the package.json, I had to manually deinstall (sudo npm uninstall pnpm -g) and reinstall pnpm with npm install -g pnpm@6.32.11 Otherwise there will be error messages like: module not found, cannot find module geojson or google-cloud-spanner
  • If mds-core gets a new version tag, you have to manually update that in the docker-compose file of this repo (because pnpm doesn't build on tag:latest)
  • Don't miss the environment variables (PG_USER=PG_PASS=postgres, PG_HOST=postgres (Name of the service in the docker-compose file), REDIS_HOST=redis) for the docker-compose file, they are essential to create the connection between the services on one side and the Postgres DB and Redis on the other side
  • To create a new database, insert POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=NAME_OF_DATABASE in the postgres-Part of the docker-compose file
  • If you want to send requests to the mds-agency from outside the docker-compose network, you have to use the IP-Address of that container and the port 4000, all information can also be found in the documentation
  • If you use Postman to send API Requests (I used it before I wrote the mds-client), make sure, you set the body either to form-data or to raw and then select JSON
  • If you have trouble with docker, saying permission denied, make sure, only one process is running in docker

Future Work

mds-core consists of many other modules than mds-agency that were not considered yet. Only the API endpoint /vehicles and its GET and POST method were used. E.g. there are other endpoints of mds-agency like /vehicles/{device_id}/event, but in the two generated data files were not all the information needed for this endpoint. In the generated file status_changes there was an event_type field but filled with the possible values of vehicle_state and there wasn't a vehicle_state field. Required fields for this endpoint can be found here. Here is the documentation for the matching between vehicle_state and event_type.

The second generated file trips.json wasn't considered yet because of the time left, but should be considered with the module mds-provider rather than mds-agency. The endpoints and the documentation for this module can be found here especially look at the endpoint trips cause all the required fields of this endpoint can be found in the generated file so you can directly work with it.

For the mds-client one can also think of parsing and streaming multiple JSON files or adding every 10 minutes new data to the database.


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