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Releases: KaddaOK/KaddaOKTools


03 Jul 17:18
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Jumping straight to 2.0 because of some exciting features:

Align Tab:

  • This is a brand new manual tap-to-time mode, synchronizing with playback of the selected original audio file. This is similar to some familiar programs, but has the following significant advantages:

  • Syllables are started/continued with the right arrow key [] on the keyboard, and any syllable can be ended before the next one starts by using the down arrow key [] instead.

    • One index finger on each arrow key allows very precise and intuitive timing input at 100% speed!
  • Sync can be stopped and restarted at will without affecting any recorded timing.

  • The recording/playback position in the original audio file can be moved by simply clicking on the desired spot on the waveform display.

    • All already-recorded starts and stops of syllables are preserved unaffected by this seek.
    • This allows you to skip forward over any gaps rather than having to wait through them. Gaps can be clearly seen on the waveform display, which shows the selected Vocals-Only waveform rather than the Original waveform being auditioned.
  • The recording/playback position in the syllable list can be moved by clicking on the syllable you want to record next.

    • If the syllable is already timed, the playback position in the original audio file automatically seeks to a few seconds before the existing start time for your convenience, but no already-recorded starts and stops of syllables are affected.
    • This allows you to "punch-in" continually to fix bad timing of a line or word or syllable as many times as necessary without having to re-record any lines already recorded before or after it.
  • Can split, merge, or edit text of syllables directly on the Align tab without losing other timing (useful for if you missed a syllable separation on the Lyrics tab)

  • (Over time, the Align tab and the Edit tab will merge more and more, but for now the Align tab is not available when importing a file, sorry!)

Edit Tab:

  • Added the option to delete an entire line

  • Added keyboard controls on the Edit tab.

    • The selected syllable can be changed using the arrow keys

    • The context menu will appear if space or enter is pushed, and a menu option selected via the up and down arrow keys

    • Hotkeys are bound to each menu item so you don't have to open the menu if you know the shortcut key:

      • a to split the line after the selected syllable,
      • s to split the line before the selected syllable,
      • w to merge the selected syllable with the previous syllable,
      • q to merge the selected syllable with the next syllable,
      • e to change the text of the selected syllable,
      • d to delete the selected syllable,
      • Del to delete the entire line,
      • z to merge the entire line with the previous line
    • Keyboard controls are useful because a common task on the Edit screen is to split lines of a RZLRC file after finding they couldn't fit on one line in the font you want, and YTMM makes that annoyingly difficult, so importing it into KOKT and zooming through with the keyboard splitting lines where necessary is much quicker and simpler than using the mouse.
      (There is currently a minor bug in this version requiring you to click at least once to focus the right area before keyboard controls will start working, but that will get straightened out)

  • Added global transformations menu:

    • Capitalization tools: "UPPER CASE ALL TEXT", "lower case all text", "Sentence case all lines", and "Title Case All Words".
      • These are useful for when you like the look of a certain font only in upper case, for example
    • "Nudge All Timings" allows you to input a number of seconds (i.e. -0.1) to shift all timing in the song by.
      • This is useful for when you feel that a singer would need more time throughout the whole song in general to react to the visual cues.
  • Displays the last undoable action taken, and as you undo actions, shows the redo stack for reference above

Start Tab:

  • Added a Start screen for selecting between different processes

  • Each process option has expandable content describing it in detail

  • Selecting a process determines what subsequent screens are available/required

  • File dialogs for CTM import, KBP import and RZLRC import open upon selection from the Start screen

  • Moved the navigation to the left and added a title to the top of each screen

  • Reviewed the content of all screens, adjusting for the selected process


  • CTM import no longer requires input of the exact lyrics that were provided to the NFA run
    • Lyrics are still needed in order to automatically create line breaks, and you gotta push "Next Step" from the Lyrics screen for anything to happen, but wherever it starts not matching, the remainder of the tokens from the CTM will simply all be on one line and require you to add the line breaks yourself.
  • The lyrics screen and the edit syllable text dialog support / and | equally as non-printing syllable separators, and separate syllables at - as well
  • Included @DrasilZA's fixes for non-English language compatibility (#7)
  • Fixed a bug in RZLRC import causing subtle shifts in pauses in some cases
  • Fixed a bug causing duplication of imported RZLRC lines that had been split apart in KOKT
  • Fixed a bug causing problems when adding new empty lines before or after all existing lines
  • Changed default of graffiti progress bars to not use smoothing
  • About page will now include the informational suffix (i.e. -beta) in the version number display
  • Moved the open in YTMM checkbox to the right spot in the Export tab

This is a beta release, please report any and all bugs!


18 Feb 03:53
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Major new feature:

Importing a .ctm file generated by NeMo Forced Aligner.
This is now the recommended workflow for most cases.


15 Feb 02:42
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Switches out broken wrap behavior on Edit tab that made words appear as part of the wrong phrases when merging lines (#3).


04 Feb 23:20
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Kadda OK Tools v0.0.7

Change Log:

  • Adds speech recognition language selection (issue #2)


  • Corrects dialog title text on audio file selection dialogs


  • Fixes display of example progress bars in project export


  • Adds license and copyright info and link to GitHub on About tab


  • Displays some error messages as notification toasts (related to issue #1, but not expected to address it; more work is needed both on the issue and in actually displaying non-critical errors throughout the app)


For developers:

  • First public release of source code 🥳
  • Adds design-time view models
  • Adds bundled sample files
  • General code cleanup

Beta v0.0.6

20 Nov 23:21
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Beta v0.0.6 Pre-release

This is the first publicly available release.
(It's numbered 0.0.6 for temporary technical reasons.)

Please consider that this is a beta and do not overwrite your files with it!
There are definitely some things, especially with a KBS import, that do not get preserved,
and who knows what else might go wrong,
so please increment your filenames instead.