This is a Python SDK for accessing the Lemon Markets API. API documentation can be found here: is in closed beta and this SDK is a work in progress. Pull requests to expand the SDK or improve its reliability are welcomed.
First, clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone
Open the downloaded folder, and install the package with this command:
pip install .
Or, if you want to make changes to the package's source code (If you want to work on this repo, for example):
pip install . -e
The second option installs the package via a dynamic link, meaning your changes to the package will immediately be reflected by the program using it.
For getting started the account must be initialized. The account is needed for further requests. Your access_token is automatically updated when it expires.
from lemon_markets.account import Account
#The third argument is optional (default value displayed) and sets the structure
# to change to real money trading when supported by the API (trading_type='money').
account = Account(your_client_id, your_client_secret, trading_type='paper')
#for seeing your accsess token
from lemon_markets.state import State
state = State(account)
#get the balance of the state (all money not given to spaces)
#get your space (because your client ID is linked to a Space the request "list Spaces" only contains one space.)
space = state.spaces[0]
print(space.state) #the state of the space as dict like in the API response.
#the elements of the state as floats:
from lemon_markets.instrument import *
# getting a list of all Instruments matching the query params
# (all arguments are an option and not needed)
instruments = Instruments(account).list_instruments(tradable=true / false, search="Name/Title, WKN, Symbol or ISIN",
currency="", type="one of the following:"("stock", "bond", "fund",
"ETF" or "warrant"))
# get a singe instrument by isin:
instrument = Instruments(account).get_instrument(isin="")
# to get the information of an instrument use:
All times in this library are stored as timezone aware datetime objects. Furthermore, datetime objects are needed for passing a time to a library function, such as creating an order.
from lemon_markets.helpers.time_helper import *
current_time() # returns the current time as a timezone aware datetime object.
# all params require an integer and are optional. If parameter is not set the current year/month/... is used.
# Returns a timezone aware datetime object.
time(year=, month=, day=, hour=, minute=, second=)
# mostly for internal use:
datetime_to_timestamp_seconds(datetime) # creates an UTC timestamp from the given datetime objects.
timestamp_seconds_to_datetime(timestamp) # creates an datetime object with local timezone from the given UTC timestamp.
from lemon_markets.order import *
# Initialize the Orders Class
orders = Orders(account=acc, space=space)
print(orders.orders) # see all created and retrieved orders sorted in dicts by status.
# the Structure of the orders.orders dict:
# {'INACTIVE': {'order_uuid': Order},
# 'ACTIVATED': {'order_uuid': Order},
# 'IN_PROGRESS': {'order_uuid': Order},
# 'EXECUTED': {'order_uuid': Order},
# 'DELETED': {'order_uuid': Order},
# 'EXPIRED': {'order_uuid': Order}}
# create an order:
order = orders.create_order(instrument=, valid_until=, quantity=,
side=) # creates and order stores it in the orders.orders dict and returns the order
# activate an order:
# update the status and data of an order:
# delete an order:
# fill the orders.orders dict by listing your orders
orders.get_orders(created_at_until=, created_at_from=, side=, type=, status=) # all params optional
# clean the orders.orders dict:
orders.clean_orders() # removes all executed, deleted or expired orders in the orders dict
from lemon_markets.trading_venue import *
venues = TradingVenues(acc) # initialisation
venues.get_venues() # requests all venues and saves them internally in a list reachable under venues.trading_venues
xmun = venues.trading_venues[0] #get the first (and right now only) trading venue
#Informations a trading venue can return # returns the name (Börse München - Gettex)
xmun.mic # returns the mic (XMUN)
xmun.is_open # returns a bool
xmun.time_until_open # returns a datetime timedelta (only considers the current day, if the venue is already open or has closed the timedelta will be negative until the next morning. (no restart necessary))
xmun.time_until_close # returns a datetime timedelta (only considers the current day, if the venue has already closed the timedelta will be negative until the next morning. (no restart necessary))
from lemon_markets.market_data import OHLC
ohlc = OHLC(account=acc) # initialisation
# requests OHLC_Data
# by default the data is returned as a dataframe with the time as a aware datetime object as index respecting the given ordering parameter.
# if the as_df param is set to False, the function returns the results unedited in the list given by the API response.
data = ohlc.get_data(instrument=, venue=, x1=,
# these are nessesary params. instrument and venue must be an instance of the corresponding class
date_from=None, date_until=None, ordering=None,
as_df=True) # these params are optional (default values are displayed here)