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  1. Download and install pandoc:
    or via conda

  2. Download and install TeX:

  3. Run a python 2.7 environment while compiling the tutorial

How to create the SPHIRE tutorial

  1. Create a word docx document out of the latest .gfm version stored in the versions folder:
    make latest_to_docx
    This will create a new tutorial_${time_stemp}.docx.

  2. Edit the file following the rules listed below.

  3. Rename the edited file to tutorial.docx.

  4. Check if you did not do any mistakes in the syntax:
    make check_docx
    This will create a new file tutorial_check.gfm, that can be used to check the occuring errors.
    It also can also be used to create a diff with the .gfm file used in step 1.

  5. Fix occuring errors and repeat step 4.
    The errors:
    ('|||URLEND|||>', 'not found')
    ('|||URL|||<', 'not found')
    ('>|||URLEND|||', 'not found')
    Can be ignored.

  6. Build the PDF
    make clean
    This will create the build folder and after the program finished, please check the build/tutorial.log file for more advanced errors.

  7. Fix the last errors and after no errors occure (Latexmk: All targets (../build/tutorial.pdf) are up-to-date in log.txt), distribute the PDF

Upload changes

Please open a pull request with the changes as nicely described here:

How to create this tutorial

  1. Edit in git flavoured markdown syntax:
  • Bold - **Bold**
  • italic - *italic*
  • Bolditalic - ***italic***
  • _ need to be replaced by \_
  1. Build the pdf
    make readme

How to edit the tutorial


  • There are 4 format options available:
    • Tags
    • Bolditalic
    • Bold
    • italic
  • Tags - For postprocessing |||TAG|||; some tags require |||TAG||| text |||TAGEND|||.
  • Bolditalic - Used for button names and inline terminal commands.
  • Bold - Used for file names, directory names, GUI labels and to highlight other texts.
  • italic - Used for file extensions.
  • All other formattings should be avoided.


Listed are just the ones for editing existing chapters/sections.
In case you want to see all possibilities checkout scripts/gfm_to_latex_tags.txt.


  • |||NEWLINE|||
    Put this one between paragraphs.
  • |||SI|||number unit unit|||SIEND|||
    Put this around numbers that have a unit, e.g. |||SI||1.14 1 per pixel per angstrom^2|||SIEND|||.
  • |||UNIT|||unit unit|||UNITEND|||
    Put this around a unit , e.g. |||UNIT||1 per pixel per angstrom^2|||UNITEND|||.
  • |||URL|||url||URLEND|||
    Put this around numbers that have a unit, e.g. |||URL||https://....|||URLEND|||.
  • |||WIKI|||
    Put this to insert a link to the SPHIRE wiki
  • |||REDNUM||| text |||REDNUMEND|||
    Color text red
  • |||PURPLENUM||| text |||PURPLENUMEND|||
    Color text purple


  • |||ISSUE|||{Issue header} text |||ISSUEEND|||
    Start an issue section
  • |||ADVANCED|||{Advanced header} text |||ADVANCEDEND|||
    Start an Advanced section
  • |||EQUATION|||Equation in TeX syntax|||EQUATIONEND|||
    Put this for nice formatted equations.
  • |||TIP||| text |||TIPEND|||
    Tip section
  • |||NOTE||| text |||NOTEEND|||
    Note section
  • |||IMPORTANT||| text |||IMPORTANTEND|||
    Important section
  • |||TERMINAL||| text |||TERMINALEND|||
    Terminal input section
  • |||STDOUT||| text |||STDOUTEND|||
    Standard output/log file content section
  • |||CENTER||| text |||CENTEREND|||
    Centered text


    List with dashes as labelitem
    List with arrows as labelitem
    List with dots as labelitem
  • |||ENUMERATE||| text ||ENUMERATEEND|||
    List with numbers as labelitem

Inside Itemization

  • |||ITEM|||
    Put this before items in an |||ITEMIZEXXX||| |||ITEM||| text |||ITEMIZEXXXEND||| and |||ENUMERATE||| |||ITEM||| text |||ENUMERATEEND||| environment.
  • |||ITEMTIP||| text |||ITEMTIPEND|||
    Tip section in an |||ITEMIZEXXX||| |||ITEM||| text |||ITEMIZEXXXEND||| and |||ENUMERATE||| |||ITEM||| text |||ENUMERATEEND||| environment.
  • |||ITEMNOTE||| text |||ITEMNOTEEND|||
    Note section in an |||ITEMIZEXXX||| |||ITEM||| text |||ITEMIZEXXXEND||| and |||ENUMERATE||| |||ITEM||| text |||ENUMERATEEND||| environment.
    Important section in an |||ITEMIZEXXX||| |||ITEM||| text |||ITEMIZEXXXEND||| and |||ENUMERATE||| |||ITEM||| text |||ENUMERATEEND||| environment.


  • |||FIGUREGUI|||figure_name|||FIGUREGUIEND|||
    Large figure with a width of the page.
  • |||FIGUREMEDIUM|||figure_name|||FIGUREMEDIUMEND|||
    Medium figure with a width of 70% of the page.
  • |||FIGURESMALL|||figure_name|||FIGURESMALLEND|||
    Small figure with a width of 40% of the page.
  • |||FIGUREADV|||figure_name|||FIGUREADVEND|||
    Figure used in a advanced or issue environment.
  • |||FIGURESUB|||figure_name_1|||FIGURESUBMIDDLE|||figure_name_2|||FIGURESUBEND|||
    Two figures next to each other.
  • |||FIGUREMINI|||figure_name_1|||FIGUREMINIMIDDLE||| text |||FIGUREMINIEND|||
    Figure and text on the same level.
  • |||FIGURECAP||| Caption
    Start for an figure caption, e.g.
    |||FIGURESUB|||figure_name_1|||FIGURECAP||| CAP1 |||FIGURESUBMIDDLE|||figure_name_2|||FIGURECAP|||CAP2|||FIGURESUBEND|||


  • |||ANOVA|||
    analysis of variance
  • |||BDB|||
    Berkley Data Bank
  • |||CRYO-EM|||
    cryo-electron microscopy
  • |||CS|||
    Spherical Aberration
  • |||CTF|||
    Contrast Transfer Function
  • |||ELM|||
    Electron Microscopy
  • |||FSC|||
    Fourier shell correlation
  • |||GUI|||
    graphical user interface
  • |||HDF|||
    Hierarchical Data Format
  • |||ISAC|||
    iterative stable alignment and clustering
  • |||ML|||
    Maximum Likelihood
  • |||MPI|||
    Message Passing Interface
  • |||MTF|||
    modulation transfer function
  • |||PDB|||
    protein data bank
  • |||SD|||
    standard deviation
  • |||SNR|||
    Signal to noise ratio
  • |||SPANA|||
    single particle analysis
  • |||SPARX|||
    single particle analysis for resolution extension
  • |||SPHIRE|||
    SParx for HIgh-REsolution electron microscopy
  • |||XFEG|||
    X-Field Emission Gun
  • |||SGE|||
    Sun Grid Engine

Basic Latex

Inside equation

  • \frac{numerator}{denominator}
  • \text{Plain text}
  • \times
  • \approx

Outside equation

  • \parencite{citationname}
    Name of the citation located in latex/Tex_global/lit.bib.
  • \\
    Force line break at this point.