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About us

We're a decentralized team of developers, working on a wide variety of software, with the goal of redefining the desktop experience. We have 2 main departments:

  1. The games department - Responsible for our games and game related products like the UntitledVulkanGameEngine
  2. The desktop department - Responsible for maintaining the UntitledDesktopEnvironment
  3. The multilingual department - Responsible for working on human language tools


In the game development field we create open source, highly moddable games. We prioritize player experience and we encourage all our players to work together with us in creating great digital experiences.

Our technology stack is cross-platform and is almost completely self-sustained. We use our own in-house technology like the UntitledVulkanGameEngine to have full control over our games' backend. But we also work with industry standard technologies like the Unreal Engine, it all depends on the requirements of the project.

The UntitledDesktopEnvironment

The UntitledDesktopEnvironment is a suite of applications forming the UntitledDesktopEnvironment. We have an almost complete list of applications we're working on that contains the core and even some more features a modern desktop environment would provide.

More info can be found here.


The multilingual department works on a small number of applications in the areas of language learning, input and output. While they work on standalone applications like Youyin the multilingual team mainly helps the multilingual project under the desktop department. Additionally, work on the multilingual project gets frequently backported to the games department. Here are some of the tasks of the multilingual department:

  1. Develop language learning applications like Youyin
  2. Help with translating all softwar we produce to multiple languages
  3. Help with developing libraries related to multilingual support, such as ones that deal with system fonts, locales, translation systems and more
  4. Help the multilingual project with tools for the UntitledDesktopEnvironment

Our Projects

Games and game related

  1. UntitledVulkanGameEngine - A cross-platform general use, Vulkan game engine
  2. UVKShaderCompiler - A shader compiler for the UntitledVulkanGameEngine
  3. MadLadSquadBot - Our general purpose Discord bot
  4. UntitledGameSystemManager - A manager for containerized game systems using LXC and LXD
  5. UVKBuildTool - A build file generator for the UntitledVulkanGameEngine and UntitledImGuiFramework

UntitledDesktopEnvironment and related

  1. UntitledImGuiFramework - A minimal destkop application development framework for C++, made for our desktop environment(UntitledDesktopEnvironment/UDE)
  2. UntitledImGuiTheme - A theme library for dear imgui using a YAML format
  3. UntitledDESessionLogout - A session logout utility for UDE
  4. UntitledDEWelcome - A help and welcome screen applicatino for UDE
  5. UntitledImGuiTextUtils - ImGui Text rendering utility functions such as rendering underlined, bold or italic text
  6. UntitledImGuiFileBrowser - A cross-platform and featureful file browser library for dear imgui
  7. UntitledDesktopBootstrap - A collection of scripts that creates needed folders and files when first installing UDE
  8. UntitledDBusUtils - A collection of utilities for dealing with dbus, to be developed
  9. UntitledXDGBasedir - An implementation of the XDG base directory specification
  10. UntitledDesktopIcons - A cross-platform desktop icon lookup library

UntitledDesktop Flow

  1. UDFPanel - A minimal and highly-customisable desktop panel implementation
  2. cimgui_extra - C bindings for popular dear imgui libraries


  1. Youyin - A website for learning how to write Chinese characters and other scripts
  2. YouyinPublicDeckRepository - Public deck repository for Youyin
  3. hanzi-writer-data-youyin - Monolyth character database for Youyin
  4. hanzi-writer-data-others - Database for non-Chinese and Kana characters for Youyin, to be developed
  5. UntitledFontUtils - Cross-platform utilities for dealing with system fonts, to be developed
  6. UntitledIBusHandwriting - A handwriting input method engine for ibus
  7. UntitledI18N - A C and C++ i18n library

Flipper Zero

  1. UntitledFlipperZero - A partial C++ wrapper on top of the Flipper Zero C API
  2. [FlipperTasks] - A to-do list application for the Flipper Zero

Libraries and misc applications

  1. MadLadSquadSite - The site you're looking at right now
  2. UntitledLog - A small logging library
  3. UntitledRuntimeLibraryLoader - A small cross-platform shared library loder library
  4. UntitledExec - A small cross-platform library to execute applications as seperate processes
  5. check-for-synced-branches-action - An action to check if 2 branches are in sync, also works for forks and upstream
  6. UntitledCLIParser - A C and C++ parser for CLI arguments
  7. UntitledDesktopOverlay - A Gentoo overlay for all MadLadSquad, UDE and UDF applications + additional components for the desktop
  8. UntitledTemplatingEngine - A fully turing complete templating engine using a lisp-like language written in C and C++
  9. GenericScripts - A list of generic scripts we use a lot on most of our repositories
  10. UntitledOpen - A library to open URIs with a default application or files/folders with a file picker


  • Madman10K - Founder and head projects developer
  • Prohunter67 - Developer on the multiplatform UntitledDesktop applications
  • Nick - Artist and misc programming
  • Neyko - Web dev and random stuff


Funding, donations and support

If you like our software please donate to our ko-fi page. Send a personalised message with your donation if you have any project in mind. We donate 50% of the proceedings to developers of libraries we depend on (based on the specific project) like dear imgui.

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Copy of the docs for these repos(docs can also be found in their respective wiki page on github):
