🚀I am a developer who loves robotics, programming and, of course, AI
🤖I have completed various projects mainly in the field of computer vision, deep learning and robotics
💪I am curious, eager to learn and love new challenges
Feel free to check out my projects below:
🤖First big robotics project. Implemented software components for a mobile robot to autonomously navigate an unknown environment and pick & place objects in ROS. I was mainly responsible for the perception and grasping of the robot.
☁️Cloud Segmentation on Sentinel2 images using UNET and DeepLabv3.
📰News Classification on the News Category Dataset using a simple neural net.
📄Reimplementing Siamese Masked Autoencoders using JAX. The corresponding paper for this project can be found here.
📄Reimplementing the FixMatch model from the paper FixMatch: Simplifying Semi-Supervised Learning with Consistency and Confidence.
If you are interested in AI and robotics as I am, let's connect on LinkedIn!